[spoiler]This is just a bit of fun. Not meant to offend anyone, please let's not have a war.[/spoiler]
This guide is on how to identify a squeaker, without them actually using their microphone! This quick and easy tactic will allow you to understand a few things they'll do in the game.
1. The Username
This is very easy to do, just check the username. It just so happens that some young people tend to spam numbers at the end or sometimes before their name if it's taken, so watch out for that. Also, FaZe before their name means they're a FaZe fanboy, and that always means they're young. Always. Another hint, the username contains 'Minecraft', doesn't make sense as a word, or is the username of a popular figure (trying to be another person).
2. T-Bagging
It's not all young people doing the t bagging, but it is most of the time. T-bagging is popular amongst squeakers, especially to show a rage.
3. Hotline Bling dance
The majority of squeakers who had the silver bought the hotline bling dance from Eververse on Crimson Days. I'm sure other people use it, but the majority of sales will be from young people who don't understand that it's a bad dance.
3. Hate Mail
Obvious one, most people play games for fun, but some squeakers take it too seriously. Hate mail is normally from squeakers, and they'll try and be clever. 'gg reported' is a very widely used squeaker comment. Being salty also can indicate to a young age, although there are some menchildren.
4. Leaving crucible games when someone has a bit of fun
Ya know, there's always a defender titan, or someone using husk of the pit or the khvostov, or waving with the sniper, or ramming people with the sparrow. Squeakers see this as an insult, and will rage and leave after the defender claps, or the sniper waves, or the sparrow user does a trick.
5. 'I lost my mic'
Means he doesn't want you to hear him. Meaning, he's a squeaker 80% of the time. There are sometimes deaf/speech impediment guardians that don't want you to find out (If you hate guys because they have disabilities, you're stupid).
6. Swearing unnecessarily or using 'your mom'
When they have random outbursts, normally it's because they're young. They'll swear when they don't need to, and normally have a lack of respect when they're angry. 'Your mom' is a popular choice of insult among squeakers, I experience that quite a bit on blops 3. Normally they swear in messages.
6. Using all the OP weapons
Now, this isn't such a large indicator, but it's there. Normally squeakers only care about, you know it, the KDR. They'll do anything to protect it, anything. You see people enjoy using the OP weapons, but then there are squeakers who report because the OP weapons got beaten.
Like I said before, this is just a bit of fun, almost satire. Don't start a war in the replies please. I'm not trying to offend anyone anyway, but it's the internet so you shouldn't be offended anyway.
Bramd - old
I guess I'm squeaker free. A calm, collected Presadent1