What I don't want to see in the next dlc or destiny 2. I don't want to see Luke smith's input on anything that isn't designing raids. And keep him far away from "weapon diversity " hell just put a lock on his computer and supervise his work.
Infusion system needs to be altered or taken out. Trying to level up while fighting against several layers of RNG is just BS.
Defense/damage levels on weapons and cosmetic items. If some hunter wants to wear their shattered vault cloak, they should be able to without it bringing down their overall level. Same with ghost shells.
Micro Transactions. Gone. No need for them at all. Especially when the proceeds clearly aren't going to the development of new dlc or content for both sides of the game. (Crimson doubles was already a thing)
The removal or changing of actual good perks on weapons. Sorry but since when was field scout so terrible, the community felt that it was "OP" and bungie had to remove it.
Agreed. but this next dlc is suppose to be free cuz of silver so ill hold my judgement till the next dlc and if I have to pay for it