Just stop. Stop using autism as a put-down. As the parent of a daughter on the autism spectrum, its disheartening when ignorant people use it as a term of derision, not just these forums, but in everyday life. People on the spectrum process information in very unique ways, but also exhibit behaviors that typically minded folks may find odd. They can also exhibit uncanny genius--my daughter by age 5 knew world capitals better than most grownups, having an eidetic memory.
Unless you personally know someone affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD) you don't know jack, & your digs are borne of spiteful indifference. So to all who would continue to do so, there goes your insensitive theory, plummeting out a high-rise window. Autism: different...not worse. **daughter Dylan drops mic/walks offstage**
[b]Ninja edit:[/b]
[spoiler]This thread has been moved to [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140397455/0/0]#Offtopic,[/url] a more appropriate forum for this offtopic discussion.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/83901]Froggie,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Edited by Serendipity: 3/8/2016 2:58:55 AMI knew someone with autism... His name was Jacob. He would sit with me and my friends at lunch and none of us had the heart to tell him to leave due to his issue. Here are some of the things that Jacob did: 1. He slapped multiple girls' asses whenever they walked by and didn't get punished due to his issue so he kept harassing the poor women. 2. He would constantly say, "Hail Satan!" and, "Hail Hitler!" at lunch and do the n[i]a[/i]zi salute. 3. He would bring bags of chicken and just throw them at my friends and I. 4. He would beat the shit out of people just for telling him to stop doing something (Like hailing Hitler, sexually harassing people, etc.). He was about 6'5" and could crush literally anyone who tried to stand up to him, and again, he wouldn't get punished because he was autistic. 5. He would, on multiple occasions, just stand behind my friends and I and just... Stare. It was disturbing and made us incredibly uncomfortable. 6. He would bring cooked spaghetti and put it in our hair and throw it at us. 7. He wore a Confederate Flag that he drew on his shirt every single day and was incredibly racist. He would say things like, "We need to go back to olden times when we could own the blacks, they're naturally inferior." and, "You know, economically Hitler was an idiot, but socially he was a genius, we need to follow his advice and burn those filthy Jews!" This was genuinely the worst person I've ever met, and the reason I don't use autism as an insult is because Jacob was the only autist I've ever met. [b][i]NOBODY is as bad as Jacob.[/i][/b]