To everyone who swears by the MIDA and has it at 320 or you use it with a shotgun like a scrub. I laugh hysterically in your face when I beat you out with the Boolean Gemini. The gun is a monster, don't believe me? Try it for yourself.
EDIT: This is MY opinion not a fact.
EDIT 2: I'm not comparing the jade rabbit because it is a different archetype of scout. And tlaloc is a warlock exclusive so obviously it is the best ;) #warlockmasterrace
EDIT 3: yes I realize that this gun was originally going to be called the 347 Vesta Dynasty when HoW dropped. But it's not called that now so I don't refer to it as that to avoid confusion to those unaware.
Dude... You're probably going up against three year olds who chain body shot with MIDA and/or can't even aim
[quote]don't believe me? Try it for yourself.[/quote] I tried it for myself and that is obviously why I don't believe you...
MIDAs agility boost puts it over Gemini. Geminis ability is useless unless your trying for that last body shot, and I've never noticed the difference with the agility boost. Other then that, Gemini is fun too use.
Stats are really good. Exotic perk though is really "meh". MIDA agility boost is what makes it great. If you want to use a non-exotic Scout that can compete with MIDA, try NL Shadow.
I'll Show You Ruin - old
I have MIDA and Boolean and thing is....I use my Hung Jury more than either of them. I like them both for different reasons but I find my HJ is more forgiving, has the highlighting scope, and firefly makin' heads pop. I do love MIDA for close up stuff and staggering and Boolean is just a fun gun to use all around. When I first heard it in my headphones I thought, "If a gun could have an orgasm....that's what it would sound like" But to each his own.....there's no better or worse. Just who's using it. -
And the sound and purple bullets make it cool
mida is a little more flexible and the agility boost is nice however a heavier impact scout can still win a 1v1 against it
That's like saying Arminius-D is better than the Doctrine...
Dude, I did that yesterday on my hunter, and I never realized how great it is in pvp.
Boolean was a let down... Suros and omolon scouts out perform it... Jade rabbit is where its at lol
Jade Rabbit is kinky
I have both guns at 320. MIDA has way more versatility.
Mida is good, that's why so many people are using it. It helps even the scrubs become at least average. I should know, I'm a scrub.
I cant get over the sights on the Boolean, thats why i put it down. But i do love the way the gun feels. MIDA is better IMO bc of the bonus speed so i can run max armor and still be nimble.
Edited by xJPerk: 3/8/2016 11:45:33 PMList of where the mida beats the boolean at. Mida has: More Aim assist. A Quicker Fire rate. A Lower Time to kill. A Constant speed boost (doesn't need precision kill to boost speed). A sight that doesn't block as much view A bigger clip. A faster reload.
Caught a lot of fish with that b8 m8
Just because [i]you[/i] think it's better doesn't mean it is. I'm better than you with fusions but does that make them a better choice?
sight picture on boolean sucks. it's too 'busy'
I have tried it and I don't prefer it over mida.
Edited by SilentAssasin425: 3/9/2016 12:21:24 AMOh you mean the BOOTY Gemini thanks lol that thing is garbage
I beat mida out with everything I use. It's a good scout rifle, no doubt. But, Mida is far from op, it's just trendy. Avg and below avg people use mida because some internet clown said it was good and they think it makes them better. I beat it with every other scout at scout range and pulses beat it at mid, autos trash it an any scout really in close.
With well over 200k scout rifle kills I will say Booleon is 2nd tier. There are easily 4-5 year 2 scouts that put it to shame. I used it early when TTK dropped and then as my level grew and I acquired more scout rifles it eventually was infused. You like the higher impact slow ROF variety then two suggestions for you are Covalances Duty and Cocytus. Neither take an exotic slot.
Stats say you're wrong, friend.
Bolean got me through my first KF. I like it but I'll stick with mida in pvp because of its RoF
Do you even scout rifle, bro? Everyone knows that The Jade Rabbit is the best scout rifle in the game.