To everyone who swears by the MIDA and has it at 320 or you use it with a shotgun like a scrub. I laugh hysterically in your face when I beat you out with the Boolean Gemini. The gun is a monster, don't believe me? Try it for yourself.
EDIT: This is MY opinion not a fact.
EDIT 2: I'm not comparing the jade rabbit because it is a different archetype of scout. And tlaloc is a warlock exclusive so obviously it is the best ;) #warlockmasterrace
EDIT 3: yes I realize that this gun was originally going to be called the 347 Vesta Dynasty when HoW dropped. But it's not called that now so I don't refer to it as that to avoid confusion to those unaware.
Mida is good. Jade rabbit maybe better.
Idk if people have noticed, but MIDA hasn't changed at all. I used to use it in year one and it was a [b]thorn AND red death[/b] killer. It only shines now since everything has been nerfed to hell
Believe me, I've tried out Boolean Gemini. Used it a lot before MIDA was brought to Y2, because I was looking for a suitable replacement. Which it is not. Extra agility, but only after a headshot kill? MIDA does it without. Plus the sight is an ugly, unwieldy one. Heck, the sight alone might be why I disliked it so much.
64 per crits (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The stats show no reason to use it.
That's like me saying monte carlo is better than the last word just because I managed to outgun last word users a few times with it. In the right hands almost any gun can outgun nearly any other gun(obvious exceptions are obvious). Pick a gun, use it, adapt if necessary.
Why would you use it over hung jury or suros dis 43 with good roll? Considering it's an exotic
if it was that much of a low key boss weapon.. I think I would have been killed by it more then 10 times by now...
Pretty much any other gun is better than the MIDA
Sssshhhhhhhhhh these are secrets!
Lol... I think I've been killed by Boolean Gemini literally less than 10 times EVER. That's how good it is.
My hung jury SR4 beats them all the time. Just saying
Don't give away the secret!
most nubs don't actually understand why the mida is op e.g., see above
The Mida is good because it makes your other guns better by giving you beter movement.
The obtrusive sights kills it for me.
You sir, are drunk. Have some coffee and put down the phone before you start drunk texting casual work acquaintances.
In PVE it is yes.
the problem is the MIDA isnt the best Scout's just the Most over used Scout Rifle. The Jade Rabbit in a good PVP players hands can wreck MIDA and sniper users.
Any scout can beat MIDA as long as you get your head shots.
Used it for a while, and though I do like the weapons [i]effectiveness[/i] I hate the weapon itself. It comes permanently with my least favorite sights in the game, it's absolutely huge on your screen so you end up blind to half of everything on the right, and in my opinion the perks should have been swapped (armor for headshots and agility for body would make more sense) I will say this though, it's one of the best sounding guns bar none.
It's nice to use, I used it a lot in the beginning of TTK, the perks aren't that great though
I love using it with a sidearm but mida is better statwise
It is against low armored players. Against anyone else it's an average scout rifle
It is
I laughed hysterically when I played two matches and got a "We ran out of medals" in both of them. With a Grasp of Malok.