It's OK that armor bonus should be buffed a tad then maybe it's better and while you're at it bungie give it arc damage it fires blue bullets for crying out loud if that doesn't scream arc damage I don't know what does and guys don't say anything about omolon scouts they fire lasers totally different
I think they ought to buff it by making both exotic perks into one. You'll be getting a buff by just getting kills that way, similar to how most exotic primaries work, like Red Death, Bad Juju, First Curse, Monte Carlo, and No Land Beyond.
That would be nice cause I feel like when I got the armor boost active I should be trying to get body shots in order to fully utilize the gun
Yes sir I do agree that says arc damage all the way. The armor and agility boosts need a buff for sure.
I just don't find it actually noticeable
It is not very noticeable. Planet destiny has a good video on the gun.