Micolash uses the Augur of Ebriatas (<3) & A Call Beyond (the Cosmos, of course!).
Anyhow, know any early(er) game weapons? That's more where I've no idea.
The closest thing to an early game Arcane weapon/tool I know of is the Executioner Gloves, but even those are post-Rom.
Call beyond, that's what I'm thinking of. Blacksky eye is kinda like a single shot of of of those. As for an early weapon, only one i can think of is the blades of Mercy. Only way to get it early is to kill the crow chick, and she's not a pushover. You'd probably want to start with the axe though, so you'd have something that could stagger the big guys, cus those little daggers won't do it.
Hm.. Blacksky Eye? Can't find it on the wiki.. Kill Eileen? Yeah.. No thanks. She was hard enough on my current guy. (failed her questline) :p
http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Blacksky+Eye Well in that case Ludwig's holy blade is always a strong pick. You could always backup your save to a usb and try killing the crow. If ya can't just restore your old save and no harm done
Ooh.. Pretty eye.. Anyhow, I don't want to use Ludwig's sword again, because it's my current build. I did find out you can get the Tonitrus pretty soon after beating the Blood Starved Beast, though. I mean, technically I shouldn't want to use it, since it's a weapon on my current build, but it's a secondary weapon, so hopefully it won't feel like I'm repeating myself. ^-^ I think I might make a thread, so I can get a bunch od responses. Thanks for yours, though. :3
Yeah i guess ya could get that one pretty early, didn't think about that. I ran that for a while in my new build, pretty good
Oh, I [i]love[/i] the Tonitrus! It probably would've become my main weapon on my current build, if it's durability wasn't so low. But alas, I returned to Ludwig's Holy Blade.