Is anything gonna happen with that area. I just wondered for [b]MONTHS[/b] (I hope it does, I realy do) and since there's a pattern going on here, i noticed before each dlc comes out these areas where locked /unfinished
For example these areas you can go to before the dlc and there would be a door blocking any further access.
Jovian complex - dark below
Bunker RAS - 2 - dark below
Kings watch - house of wolves
The juncture - house of wolves
Chamber of night - dark below
dusk Warren - house of wolves
The mine - house of wolves/taken king
The cortex - taken king (ps exclusive)
Undying mind - taken king (ps exclusive)
Echo chamber - taken king (ps exclusive)
Since you announced another patch and dlc is coming out it would make sence to work on that area and complete it. Hope it's a new area for a strike or better yet a [b]RAID[/b]
[b]I hope THE DRIFT gets some work done done[/b] why else would there be Enemy vex there. There's got to be something.
Never heard of this Drift area