Bungie please... Give us something, throw us a bone. Knowing there's something coming but... not being able to know what it is make's it feel less real. A trailer, A picture, something! Just Something! It has been so long... just give us the last of the exotic armor while we wait or something to at least grind for! A good majority of the community is pissed, and they have a right to be, because keeping us in the dark saying "Something is coming, we can't say what yet" makes it feel like you guys aren't doing anything.. Just give us an update, It doesn't have to be gigantic, Just "We will release a picture of what's to come on the 14th" Or a trailer or some information! Stop with all of this secretive bull crap.
That's why everyone's so upset, anyway; we have nothing but so-far-empty promises and reassurances of 'Something'. Show us a concept art, or a render of a new armor piece or weapon, or a screenshot of a new environment or a.. literally anything. We're, many of us at least, not asking for much. Just something to make it feel real.