Bungie please... Give us something, throw us a bone. Knowing there's something coming but... not being able to know what it is make's it feel less real. A trailer, A picture, something! Just Something! It has been so long... just give us the last of the exotic armor while we wait or something to at least grind for! A good majority of the community is pissed, and they have a right to be, because keeping us in the dark saying "Something is coming, we can't say what yet" makes it feel like you guys aren't doing anything.. Just give us an update, It doesn't have to be gigantic, Just "We will release a picture of what's to come on the 14th" Or a trailer or some information! Stop with all of this secretive bull crap.
There was a post here on the forums, where a user was praising the new Android app update. I'm posting the link so you can see for yourself. In the thread, a rep from the app team thanked the user, only to immediately get asked when the update is coming to iOS. And here is why I'm bringing this up, because the rep, instead of giving the usual Bungie, "We're pushing it out as soon as we can!" They replied something along the lines of, "I wish I could post a date, but, the way Apple's App Store works, there's no way of knowing for sure." [i]This[/i] is how Cozmo and DeeJ should be responding. At one point in a Reddit thread, DeeJ mentioned waiting on the devs before he can release info on the Spring Update. While this, on the surface, is a similar response, it's not the same, because Apple is an outside company, so the app team's rep was providing all of the info available to them. Bungie's devs, last I checked, work at Bungie. And, while I understand DeeJ and Cozmo not wanting to step on toes, there's more information available to them (possibly with a little pestering). What I want to hear is the background stuff. The "hey, sorry, that information's currently under a NDA by [Bungie, Activision, etc], so we can't tell you what's happening as of yet." Preferably, information as to when the dev's deadlines are, but I understand that those can sometimes be flexible. Just my thoughts. It feels like DeeJ and Cozmo are toying with us (moreso DeeJ than Cozmo, though), and it's rather infuriating. Props to that app team rep though!