I beat mida out with everything I use.
It's a good scout rifle, no doubt. But,
Mida is far from op, it's just trendy.
Avg and below avg people use mida because some internet clown said it was good and they think it makes them better.
I beat it with every other scout at scout range and pulses beat it at mid, autos trash it an any scout really in close.
I'd say only a few pulses beat it mid range because they got overnerfed but yeah its not op. Just trendy for whatever reason
Yeah, true. Pdx,hawksaw, villiany....that's about it that's reliable
[quote]Yeah, true. Pdx,hawksaw, villiany....that's about it that's reliable[/quote] Grasp of malok also
I forgot about kinetic oversoul edict
Bad juju and red death too. Red death is about 50/50 tho.
I hate what they did to high impact pulses, red death is just an avg weapon now. I have a ridiculous roll lyudmilaD sitting in the vault, it would 2-3 shot consistently before the nerf It's a sad shadow of itself now lol, it will 3 shot but only if all are headshots (good luck with that, that 4th shot in the burst makes that hard to do) so it's a realistic 4 shot min now and it's just too slow.
Yea. I love bad juju and now its not near what it should be
Of course you do your a big boy now