Hm.. Blacksky Eye? Can't find it on the wiki..
Kill Eileen? Yeah.. No thanks. She was hard enough on my current guy. (failed her questline) :p
- Well in that case Ludwig's holy blade is always a strong pick. You could always backup your save to a usb and try killing the crow. If ya can't just restore your old save and no harm done
Ooh.. Pretty eye.. Anyhow, I don't want to use Ludwig's sword again, because it's my current build. I did find out you can get the Tonitrus pretty soon after beating the Blood Starved Beast, though. I mean, technically I shouldn't want to use it, since it's a weapon on my current build, but it's a secondary weapon, so hopefully it won't feel like I'm repeating myself. ^-^ I think I might make a thread, so I can get a bunch od responses. Thanks for yours, though. :3
Yeah i guess ya could get that one pretty early, didn't think about that. I ran that for a while in my new build, pretty good
Oh, I [i]love[/i] the Tonitrus! It probably would've become my main weapon on my current build, if it's durability wasn't so low. But alas, I returned to Ludwig's Holy Blade.