[quote] 1.) You must be female...[/quote]
You Sexist Grapefruits...
I don't get how only wanting certain people around is sexist. This was a clan created exclusively for women to join. Thus, it being women only is far from sexist.
It's not sexist; almost every clan is full of guys. As a female, some of us may be afraid if harassment from males, may not have mic or socialising with other people skill(s), and/or may not feel comfortable being the only chick there in the clan, party, raid, etc... This clan if for females. There are thousands of clans, and have men in it. I only know of 2 female clans (Dames of Destiny and Sisterhood of Guardians). It's not sexist if a female wants to be/have (in a) female only clan. Like I said there's plenty of male clans.
How many male only clans are there?
We need to be some type of citrus considering the amount of salt thrown our way.