[b]Jared walks up to it[/b] "i thought i was done with this shit"
[b]The soapbox stares into your soul.[/b]
Edited by Alpha-007: 3/15/2016 3:04:05 AM[b]He pokes it with a stick[/b]
[b]The stick is consumed in fire.[/b]
Bramd - old
*looks in soapbox* -
[b]It appears empty.[/b]
Bramd - old
Is this like my friend's phone box? *jumps in* -
[b]You are now in a soapbox.[/b]
Bramd - old
-blam!- -
[b]The deity looks at it[/b] Oh. I feel like I'm remembering something that wasn't finished. [b]He jumps back into the soap box[/b]
[b]You land in a room with 3 signs, each with either the number 1, 2, 3.[/b]
Great! Math! Didn't I kill all the math teachers to prevent situations like this...? Ah hell. [b]He chooses number one. [/b] Suitable for me!
[b]You are immediately dressed in rags, and equipped with 1 dull knife, and 3 throwing knives.[/b]
Oh HELL NO! IS THIS A CRAPPY RPG?! FU[i]C[/i]KS SAKE! [b]He looks around.[/b]
[b]A Start button appears.[/b]
Oh! A button! My first instinct! Is to press the shit! Out of this button! I have only good feeling about this! [b]He stares at the "camera"[/b] Seriously writer? What the hell is this shit? [b]He presses it[/b]
[b]You fall in front of a path, leading to a cave entrance. Multiple corpses are seen on the path. Seems dangerous.[/b]
Well this looks like last weeks fiesta! Let's just... [b]He adds the corpses to his inventory. Just because he can.[/b] Continue on! [b]He walks into the cave[/b]
[spoiler]I thought you might have learned[/spoiler] [b]As with all challengers, your first death is brought by the grass, which immediately extends upwards, impaling you. Try again?[/b]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 3/10/2016 4:54:13 AM[spoiler]i've never been on your quests[/spoiler] [b]Luckily, the deity used a corpse to block the grass. And flips off the writer for trying to screw him. And shows him ep.6 of season 6 of the walking dead. Just to show that he can do that.[/b] [b]He gtfos out of the cave[/b] [spoiler]I WILL BEND THE WALLS TO MY WILL!!!!!!![/spoiler] [spoiler]That is uh...actually the deities power...of many....[/spoiler]
[b]The writer stabs you with a pen, places you back at the start, and resets the trap. Might I remind you that you have the abilities of a normal man.[/b]
[b]"What?! LAME! FINE! I'LL stop TALKING IN BOLD THEN!"[/b] [b]The deity puts the corpses back in his inventory. And looks at his surroundings[/b]
[b]The corpses on the path?[/b]
[b]He has already put the corpses in his inventory. Anything else besides the cave? So He doesn't get impaled by grass?[/b]
[b]Just figure out how to disarm the trap.[/b]