As I sit here on my porcelain throne, squeezing out a sugary shell, I am pondering a void in my life, other than the void I have just created in my bowels.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say this ... we need more opportunities to get ghost drops. I mean, the only drops I get are constantly in crucible, strike rewards, shaxx bounty rewards, nightfall, raids, patrols, iron banner, iron banner packages, quest lines, special events, etc.
Why can't the gunsmith have a chance to drop ghosts from the gunsmith packages I buy with my hard earned glimmer. I mean, why make gunsmith packages a guaranteed thing? Where is the fun in that? At least give a 60-70% chance that a special gunsmith ghost will drop instead of the actual weapon we purchased. Who wants a gun, when you can have a fancy, lubed up ghost? Oh, and where are the cryptarch ghosts? I want to turn in my engrams and and see a screen full of ghosts! When I get my cryptarch package - BOOM! Ghost!
We, as Destiny players, are getting screwed out of our ghosts! Give us more! You're already so far in with the ghost rewards, quit teasing us and finish us off! We want more of those one eyed monsters!
Need more ghosts ...