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Edited by RavenousLD3341: 3/10/2016 6:52:21 PM

Questionable design, and why the nightfall got nerfed.





Let me preface this by saying. If you enjoy Destiny, keep playing, there's nothing wrong with that. If you're not having fun, and this game feels like a job. That's not what the devs want. (it's what the lazy skinner box designers want). Have a read, and buy a new game to play. (I suggest Final Fantasy XIV) I had made a reply in a thread that Destiny was a skinnerbox plagued by lazy design choices that aren't nice to the players. (see Spoiler) [spoiler]I'll explain this to you. People aren't having fun, but unfortunately they won't leave. It's because Destiny is a skinner-box. The designers have been lazy, and asked the developers to make systems that are abusive and inhumane to the players. In fact their little skinner-box has made people so destiny hungry that Bungie won't be able to create content fast enough to feed the community. Infact the community realised this, and has opted to settle for old content to just be updated. Bungie, and their designers are setting a precedent. A very scary one. I've only seen mobile games be this heavy handed with their monitization scheme. Seriously, this is a dangerous precedent. TTK backhanded everyone that had purchased the base game and all DLC if they didn't buy TTK. That was way out of line, it's on my biggest douche bag moves of 2015. Never had i played a console game in my 20 years of gaming that ever took features away for not purchasing an expansion. Unless you include shitty free-to-play mobile games, that are solely designed to exploit their players. THEN... when you do finally break down and buy TTK, you would expect a more rewarding experience. On the surface, it looks like they really delivered some things we wanted. While they were praised for the few things that were fixed, they are being crucified for really giving us more of the things that we hate. Really cranked up the grind to 11 by introducing infusion and the infusion loss, varying light on the same items, stating more XP/REP from activities but nerfed the hell out of the gains from activities. Not to mention.... the players have been systematically nerfed to artificially raise the difficulty of the game, which is also the reason that elemental primaries were removed, despite what Luke Smith says. It made you feel good to chew though an enemy shield with your fate bringer during arc burn. (3x damage) Now you don't have that primary, and it's only 2x damage. Look at meta critic. Critic reviews went up with the release of TTK, and user reviews went down. Just saying.[/spoiler] Someone had decided to challenge my thoughts, which there is nothing wrong with that. He cited Bungie's psych paper. I in-turn cited a paper written by the same guy before Bungie hired him. There are two types of reward things discussed. Scheduled rewards, and an inconsistent reward schedule. When players approached a reward that was scheduled (i.e one they expected to show up at a certain time, which in Destiny used to be the Tuesday reset) Their frequency/length of play increased until they received that reward, and then would slowly taper off until they knew the reward was coming around again. Nerfing the nightfall was to make the reward schedule more inconsistent. This was by design, they did it on purpose (see quote) [quote]"In general, variable ratio schedules produce the highest overall rates of activity of all the schedules that I'll discuss here. This doesn't necessarily mean they're the best, but if what you're looking for is a high and constant rate of play, you want a variable ratio contingency."[/quote] By removing a predictable reliable reward, they had hoped to increase our play time and activity. After this article this guy was hired as head of Bungie user research in 2002. I think in the past this guy helped the designer avoid Skinner Box design tactics, but now I believe that Bungie uses this guys knowledge to get people to play more. Why are players mad? [quote] As a general rule, extinction {this term refers to a reward schedule ceasing} involves a lot of frustration and anger on the part of the subject. We expect the universe to make sense, to be consistent, and when the contingencies change we get testy. Interestingly, this is not unique to humans. In one experiment, two pigeons were placed in a cage. One of them was tethered to the back of the cage while the other was free to run about as it wished. Every 30 seconds, a hopper would provide a small amount of food (a fixed interval schedule, as described earlier). The free pigeon could reach the food but the tethered one could not, and the free pigeon happily ate all the food every time. After an hour or so of this, the hopper stops providing food. The free pigeon continues to check the hopper every 30 seconds for a while, but when it's clear that the food isn't coming, it will go to the back of the cage and beat up the other pigeon. Now, the interesting thing is that the tethered pigeon has never eaten the food and the free pigeon has no reason to think the other is responsible for the food stopping. The frustration is irrational, but real nonetheless.[/quote] Bungie broke the reward system. Once they removed the reliable predictable rewards, people began to be frustrated. In the example above. Deej and Cozmo are the tethered pigeons that are getting the crap beat out of them by a community that has been treated like crap by some lazy designers. Who instead of making immersive content, would rather just build a skinner box and burn the candle at both ends. (just incase you wanted to see the conversation that created this thread read here )

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  • Who knows for sure? Only Bungee, and the only official response you'll ever going to get will be a strategically political marketed one. But with that said I'd still be playing the game (more) right now if they hadn't released the Division when they did. Actually it's really good timing right now for any competition and I don't think this is anything new.

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  • Edited by AcidRohnin: 3/11/2016 1:13:17 PM
    I've been saying this to my friends for a while. Bungie said they made NF easier for us, the gamers, but that isn't true NF IMO is not any easier. They took out return to orbit, but with that they took out the weekly exp buff, burn damage went from an equal x3:x3 to a x2:x3, and they also removed exotics. So obviously it wasn't in our favor by the slightest. The old NF I was basically guaranteed 1 exotic if I ran all three characters through. Many weeks would be 2 exotics and on the rare occasion all 3 would receive one. Now I'm considered insanely lucky if I get one to drop. For me this has actually reduced my playtime. I no longer play the NF as the rewards aren't worth it. I've also stopped running strikes for the most part as 3oCs seems to be broken for me as well. The raid is not worth the frustration when the drops aren't there. Now I tend to run challenge only. Some weeks I'll pay golgoroth a visit as well.

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    7 Replies
    • Good post! Ergo: BungleVision's actions are deliberate! This is why (sensible) Guardians are so frustrated: they (BungleVision) are deliberately ruining Destiny to try and make a shortcut profit run. Talk about killing the golden goose... Carry on, BungleVision, your plan's working!

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      • Dude does more reaching than Mister Fantastic

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      • I can see how this works but, I don' t see its application to nightfalls as they were not the reward. They were part of our ingrained schedule for a year and when that schedule was broken it was chaos because we had no order left. the reward is just that, when we finished the nightfall. We used to expect the flaming blue head, faction buff and random rewards that had potential to be somewhat dissapointing and potentially good to great. we had a guarantee and a toss of the dice. now we have no blue head and no faction buff, so the guarantee is gone and we have the chaos with no schedule and the rewards are a dice roll that seem not to be good ever.. the rewards are no longer fitting for our investment as they used to be.. our perception of all these changes has soured our mood to take the bait of the hopper if you will. it is an interesting idea and very interesting that one guy could argue both sides of the same coin.. and by doing that he can understand the best way to manipulate those pigeons to perform how he wants them too.

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      • Keeping in mind the errors the devs made here, they engineered speed bumps in the loot system by tying different rewards of different light levels for different activities. So I personally experienced light level speed bumps at 295-299, and again at 309. Thanks for that. I'm of the opinion that if you play enough-of any meaningful activity - we all reach our max LL. these folks grinding for 320 is utter madness. I can understand that if you crave a raid gun (that looks like peel and eat shrimp) you have to do the raid. But 320 grinding to me is insane with what they have in place. This is why I stopped at 310. This is a reason why I don't raid. This is why I do IB for guaranteed reward at rank 5 and stop when I get them. I could go on about exotics, but...

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        2 Replies
        • Skinners ideas are used in all basic advertising and Vagas, I don't think we are more manipulated then by most other products activities. And I read many views on TTK ripping off players by taking away content if you did not buy it, the issue is you could play everything you played before the other option would have been to just give the expansion to those that did not pay. We all have been living in skinners box lol a long time. I don't think this is some new diabolical precedent, being you know a video game! It's tough to weigh a basic profit business model with a very entitled internet user base, you know the people that got all pissed they could not easily steal music free online. I think another part of our current psychological makeup is to be a victim, and now I'm seeing it's destiny's fault that people are mad at life. If someone finds a system abusive the solution is to leave that system if possible and that's pretty easy with a game. All and all if people really hate playing it they have already quit.

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        • Yeah. Its a huge f­­­­u­­­­c­­­­koff social experiment on a lot of levels. Do what I do and dont play it but post on the forums when you're bored and drunk. :D I love you.

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        • The reason for Nerfing the nightfall was simple. Even the dev team knew the "rewards" sucked ass.

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        • Edited by Wheeze: 3/11/2016 5:01:35 PM
          Wow, I kinda can't believe this thread has taken off. John Hopson has worked with Bungie for years. [url=]Here he talks about doing user research for Halo 3.[/url] While it's not the same guy, [url=]here's another article about how user research influences game design.[/url] Human psychology is part of game theory. They're trying to understand "fun." I also maintain that using the changes to the Nightfall is an especially bad example, because the Nightfall rewards have always "sucked," and their primary motivation for changing the XP buff was to take away the incentive to doing the Nightfall first thing on reset instead of whenever you felt like it (unfortunately, "whenever you felt like it" became "never," but I still understand the decision on their part). Don't get me wrong. The infusion system is brutal. But, I see it as an idea that worked great on paper as a means of addressing player complaints about year one that ended up being a pain in reality. Flip side, the incremental gains or losses in light level also don't make nearly as much of a difference as 29 vs 30, 31 vs 32 or 33 vs 34, so at least there's [b]that.[/b]

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          3 Replies
          • Da hell is a Skinner box? Good read though.

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            • Nothing you said here is original.

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            • TTK is a big questionable design - it destroyed destiny

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              5 Replies
              • "abusive and inhumane" Ok. It's a fvcking game people. You literally DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY IT. Bungie is not physically restraining you [i]A Clockwork Orange [/i] style. You can put the controller down, take out the disc and play something else, or nothing at all. Yes, they designed the game in way that keeps you playing like a hamster in a wheel, but it is within your power to get off that wheel. As for the monetization aspect, I play 3 times a week and haven't spent a dime on micro transactions. Also, if you check the stats of some people claiming they were ripped off, they have hundreds of hours of play time. As far as being locked out of content, all the areas and raids are available, levels are just not selectable. Multiplayer is still available, just not all modes. And while I agree that is garbage that they didn't just leave year 1 content as is, are day one players still grinding thru that same content while year 2 players are crying out for new content? I'm not telling those people to upgrade to TTK, but if your still playing Destiny why wouldn't you? Tl;dr It's just a video game for chrissakes! I'm not defending the game, or Bungie, but if you don't like the game don't play it. Very simple.

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                11 Replies
                • I don't know, people aren't pigeons. What I have seen is most players rush to get to the end game content, then complain that there is nothing to do. There are a lot of people that complain about the most miniscule things. There are also a lot of people that don't think for themselves and are swayed by what they read on Reddit. If the game isn't fun, then move on. Personally, I don't understand all the people that constantly complain on the forum, threating to quit, and just keep complaining. If you think Destiny sucks or the Bungie is dishonest, then walk away and don't look back. Insteady, they just keep complaining for complaining's sake. I don't see Destiny as a skinner box. The two biggest mistakes that Bungie made are managing expectations and communication. They bit off more than they could chew, but this is not uncommon when creating something that is completely new. They over promised and under delivered. This all started with the beta. We were told that it is a large multi planet universe, and 'See that. You can go there.' Unfortunately, the game did not allow for that open world expansiveness. The issue with the beta is that we did not know we were playing the about a quarter of the game. A clue came when Bungie provided the moon mission during the beta. It was very short. However, we all thought that this was only a beta and there would be much more to come. When the game finally shipped, a lot people felt let down replaying the same content we did in the beta. in my opinion, Jason Jones should come forward and made a statement. He is someone that most people respect and trust. I believe that Bungie was shocked at the negativity. Does anyone really think that they are just money grubbing a-holes? They really didn't know what to do. They were faced with a situation that they had never faced before. By not managing expectations from the beta to the release, Bungie missed an opportunity to control the narrative on Destiny. This caused them to miss out on their bonuses as the Destiny reviews were okay, but nothing stellar. On top of all this, Deej became the spokesman that everyone stopped trusting. He was trying to put a positive spin on the crap storm that Bungie allowed to grow and get out of control. It is funny, because I rememember all the vitriol during vanilla Destiny and especially TBD and HoW. Heck, everyone was complaining about Peter Dinklage's ghost. Now, people are looking back and realizing that things really weren't that bad. All Bungie has done is react to the community. Unfortunately, the complainers are never satisfied and have wrecked this game. Nerf this, nerf that. OP. OP. OP. Is the mantra of complainers. Now it's this game is not fair, I haven't gotten what I wanted. Well, life isn't fair. Destiny is a good first iteration of a FPS/RPG/MMO game. We have seen that Bungie is working to make things better. There are still areas they need to improve. They need to replace the peer-to-peer networking for Crucibles. They need to rework their RNG to make it appear more fair. While this is not how Bungie traditionally makes games, they need to make the AI a lot more dynamic (Why do you think the Halo speed runners can speed run Halo? They know exactly where the bad guys are going to be. This is traditional Bungie AI.). For me, these three things would improve the game a lot. I am sure that others have a different list. Constructive criticism is one thing. Complaining for complaining's sake is something entirely different. Remember we choose which games we want to play. Nobody is making anyone play Destiny. If you aren't having fun, then walk away.

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                • Do you expect to get something good from Nightfall? I mean up until 6 months ago people were still crying about never getting gjallarhorn. They did 72 nightfalls, and endless raids on each character. Blah, blah, blah. When I stopped giving any F's about the grind. I quit destiny. Done it several times. Why? Because I want to have fun in a game. Im still waiting for dark drinker. Why? because im not spending 6 hours with defender titan. Farming materials, and getting void kills. Its ridiculous. Ive had that unfinished quest in my box since october. and its not going to get completed. Why? Because I dont give any F's about relic iron. I log in for some Iron banner, raids, or to screw off in some strikes. last week did vog, and crota. Why? Im not going to get anything I dont have already. Because it was fun. I play because its fun. right now im playing happy wheels. Because it makes me laugh so freaking hard. OMG its freaking funny.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Are you willing to die

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                  • When the storm arrives

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                  • F**K you lol bro seriously F you

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                  • Wow I have a headache now

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                  • Wtf? A well written argument with real evidence? Here? Get off these forums and go finish your psychology major, your making us feel stupid. [spoiler]In all seriousness, I definitely agree. Something needs to be done about nightfall.[/spoiler]

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                  • 5/5 Well said.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Just pure excellence here.

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                    • What the hell is a skinnerbox

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                      1 Reply
                      • This has got to be one of the best posts I've seen on this forum in quite some time! Thank you

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                        1 Reply
                        • I have a lvl 55 Dark Knight in FFXIV and absolutely love the game.

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