Kings Fall Raid Complete Guides:
Opening the Portal -
Jumping Puzzle -
Totems -
Warpriest -
Maze -
Golgoroth -
2nd Jumping Puzzle -
Sisters -
Oryx -
Warpriest Challenge -
Golgoroth Challenge -
Oryx Challenge -
Calcified Fragments Raid -
Glyth Sequence -
Capture Gaze Golgoroth -
Run Relic Sisters -
Run Relic Oryx -
Hope you find these helpful. Please check out the CRAZYTAKEN youtube channel
Teaching low levels how to run raid msg on 1. THIS MUST BE YOUR FIRST KF IN ORDER TO JOIN.
Need one more for oryx challenge gt:Red dino9
Need 2 for sisters! XBOX1
Need 4 for fresh normal Message for invite Gt: ipgz vbigfoot
Need 3 running fresh run on normal Xbox one. Message: Ben with a n For a invite Thanks!
Need 4 for raid! We are experienced. Must be 295+. Message A Xxfishcatcherxx for an invite!
Need 4 players for totems cp
Xbox one - 298 warlock , looking for a group to do kings fall raid on normal. I haven't done it yet !so if any group is willing to take me along I would appreciate it !! >< game tag is same as above.
Xbox one - 302 warlock , looking for a group to do kings fall raid on normal. I haven't done it yet !so if any group is willing to take me along I would appreciate it !! >< game tag is same as above.
Need 4 for normal fresh raid 319 Titan looking to do normal raid Trying to help out a friend who is 260 & new Would love some help Msg same tag as above
Need 5 for normal fresh
310 Titan with oryx cp want to do challenge mode gt:Red dino9
Need 1 for wp cp Doing challeng have a 305 Plus group XBOX1
Need 1 for wp cp Doing challeng have a 305 Plus group XBOX1
Just need one more for kings fall fresh start
320 Titan looking to form a new group for normal raid. Trying to do fast and clean. Must be experienced, 304+ light level. Msg DietCoke201 on Xbox Live for invite.
Looking for golg or wp cp 308 lock with Tom n spindle XBOX1
Need 5 oryx cp Msg FaDe Cash for inv
Need 5 sisters checkpoint message me at Cre8havoc66
Need 4 for normal fresh, we are 310 and 317 Hunter and warlock Msg Duke Porkington for an invite
Need 4 for normal fresh, we are 310 and 317 Hunter and warlock Msg Duke Porkington for an invite
Need 2 for normal fresh run, gt is same as above messege for invite
Need 4 for normal fresh, we are 310 and 317 Hunter and warlock Msg Duke Porkington for an invite
Xbox One- LVL 40(292 light) Hunter looking for a good group to do the KF raid with on Normal. I have not done the raid yet! So a group that is willing to take me along I would appreciate it! Thanks! GT is same as above.
Need 3 for fresh message Shark basooka96
doing fresh run need 4