I swear I see nothing [b][u]BUT[/u][/b] threads on Division.
My opinion, it's the same deal as the Fallout 4 and Halo 5 hype. While they necessarily weren't bad games, they didn't live up to the 'Best game ever Destiny killer' expectations people always place on them. And I'll be honest I don't think anything will kill Destiny. That doesn't mean Destiny is a better game, it just has a certain fanbase on lock. Now I've played roughly 10 hours of Division so far, and though that's no where near end game material, Ive enjoyed what I've played. I'm certain I might hit the same repetitive rut I had with Destiny, but hell I still play it from time to time. Tl;dr No, Division is not a Destiny killer and certainly not the greatest game in the world. However it is not a bad game, and is still rather fun in a Destiny-esque sense.