originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
The figure nods. The pup soon wakes up and begins to scratch your leg.
[b]The man lets the puppy do so, and rubs the dogs neck gently[/b]
The man soon sheathes his sword on his back, then taking out a strange rifle that seems to be a hybrid of gauss and plasma energy.
"Wait, didn't I see you at the bar
The man looked at him and cocked his head in confusion.
"Never mind, you seemed like someone I knew"
He shrugs and goes back to his rifle.
"Gauss and plasma, nice combo"
He nods, soon picking the rifle up and standing. He grabs his dog, who is now sleeping, and puts him gently in his backpack. The figure looks at the Dojo.
"You want in? You gotta fight a lieutenant..."
He nods.