Tumblr now runs the government, and anything is a gender. Pizza, doorknob, anything. Now, you must choose a gender, or else you will be sent pity insults about how you don't support people showing "Their true self"
My gender is a napkin.
How about you?
[spoiler]Straight outta the closet[/spoiler]
Edit: Wow this blew up
My gender is a few pubic hairs and some pocket lint that is currently being exchanged for some heroine.
I am a Deej.
You already know who it is
i identify as canola oil
I am the "Other" option on b.net polls
I sexually identify as a pigeon inside of a flying mech suit with freaking lasers attached to its head that is shaped like a larger pigeon.
4 just4
I am dryer lint
Floppy disk!
I identify as a treadmill
A Titan the master race Or a machine
My gender is nongenderness
I want to be a Teletubby
I identify as a milkman
My Gender? Uranium-238 Give me one second while I take a sip out out of this female water bottle.
I sexually identify as a bare-chested Stalin riding a Grizzly Bear while wielding Kylo Ren's lightsaber and crashing through a line of cowering German soldiers.
The orange portal from the portal gun.
I am a beautiful elephant. 🐘 I'm going to dye my skin grey, get tusk implants, lengthen my ears, and gain a lot of weight. I will roam around the fields in Africa and be free. I've always felt this way. You can't tell me I'm wrong.
Hot dog
You know, I don't mind, once when I was 7 years old, I sat on a banana, and that of course changed my whole life. -Hugh Neutron
I'm a guy today, but last week i was a female in Cabo. [i]-ATullo[/i]
I sexually identify as a GruntunitG602™.