Hallo, ich habe das Problem das in der App angezeigt wird, das ich 49 Fragmente habe aber das Spiel ( Destiny )sagt mir, das ich nur 48 habe. Danke für eure Hilfe.
Englich: Hello, I have the problem that appears in the app, I have 49 fragments but the game (Destiny ) tells me that I only have 48. Thanks for your help.
My apologies for not having a German version of this message available (and also if it sounds rude in any way): Destiny has 4 subforums dedicated to it. #Gaming is dedicated to discussing games other than Destiny. Your thread is currently about an issue you are having with Destiny. The proper place for such a thread would be #Help. Please edit your thread's tags so that it's in the #Help subforum instead of #Gaming.