You all will be most displeased the booty is not good today at all.
Edit: I have been told Xur is holed up at the bar. Hehe I would be too knowing the ruckus that sorry selection of booty would bring.
Edit: here is a list of the "booty"
Achlophage symbiote
Insurmountable skull fort
Heart of praxic fire
Exotic helmet engrams
Exotic legacy helmet engrams
I recommend you spend your strange coins on eris I hear she gives one killer of a lap dance
Either someone at bungie who picks the weekly xur rewards is really bad at knowing what players want... they let rng choose the rewards... or the person who chooses is doing this on purpose. But the rng chances of getting I think now 4 helmet weeks in row for hunters along with 2 more helmet engrams in 1 week is very low