Read revelations 11 verses 7-12 before reading my post.
Now after they have finished their testimony, the titan that comes up from the tower will titan smash them, and overpower and kill them. Their ghosts will lie in the public square of the map - which is figuratively called B flag - where also their friend was titan smashed. for 10 seconds guardians from every class, race, gender and people will gaze on their ghosts and refuse their re-spawn. the players of destiny will t bag over them and send each other messages, because these 2 sunsingers had tormented the hunters and titans of the earth. But after the 10 seconds the breath of the traveler entered them, and they stood on their feet, and salt struck those who saw them. Then they heard a callout from A flag saying: "come revive me" then they ran the A flag in a fiery blaze, and the titans and hunters looked on.
Btw, i play all 3 classes, so i have no class bias. also, i don't want to hear: "But the bible isn't real" cause thats not what the post is about.
Edited by Ezko: 3/11/2016 9:36:03 PMId go back to #Destiny real fast Also, but the bible isnt real