Destiny became almost only a sniping PvP. Almost everybody is only sniping.
Just camping and waiting....
The ONLY real answer for that is THE THORN.
The real reason that Thorn was nerfed is that "the little bitchin" snipers couldn't camp and snipe, like they do now.
I can snipe well, but getting bored of EVERY TIME the same: the game starts, you go to that specific spot and wait for the other snipers to appear. And then you wait......
But Thorn let's snipers reeling, so they mostly can't stay zoomed any more. It is the only answer to that camping.
Edited by Thurs: 3/14/2016 3:09:51 PMI am not a great sniper but I have been getting better. I dont camp unless someone is repeatedly running into the same spot over and over making it easy to snipe. I don't bring out my sniper unless I see people making themselves an easy target.
Or you could try not running off on your own, out in the open to die repeatedly. All the new maps were made to restrict sniping and they've a good job at it too. If you are getting owned by a sniper, it doesn't really matter what adjustments they make. Because skill will always shine through the bs. BTW quick scoping isn't skill at all, that definitely needs to be fixed. Using the thorn I could land hits on someone at sniping range and it only took two shots. Which was entirely unfair, it's a handcannon not a rifle. Hcs are supposed to be high power, low range, low accuracy weapons designed to compete in close range, not at all ranges.
How about neither and just buff everything to where it should be I think that would be much better because the game would be back in place on its way to where it should be
Yeap from reading this forum it seems to be the next go to. So what will Bungie do to make gamers go to the next go to. Oh i know! They will nerf every single sniper making most of them garbage and you'll end up dismantling more usless weapons. Sounds about right...
Bring back my -blam!-ing shotgun with shot package
Why not. It's rare to see one anyways in regular crucible. You would see a slight increase in use if it got brought back, but only for a couple weeks. Then people would switch back to Mida and TLW. Personally i just want it back because it was heavily buffed for PvE but nerfed for PvP. In PvE the thorn was fricken amazing, shoulda seen the sucker when there was a primary burn lmfao. Go ahead and bring it back, nothing would really change in PvP. The gun is ok but not overwhelming like it was in Y1. People that don't want it back forget that it's DoT,range, and accuracy are half of what they were in Y1 so whatever.
Definitely not the solution
Edited by Zarahi Sunstrider: 3/13/2016 1:59:16 PMBrining back lame Thorn won't do jack all other weapons need to be retuned, stop thinking about brining back one lame exotic.
Might as well. If we can't have fun why should snipers be exempt? Nerf the shit out of them.
No. The reason it was needed was because 85% of the community was using it because its the only 3 shot kill with fast rate of fire...
No. Buff everything but scouts and snipers. End the camp fest......without thorns.
Is this a bad joke? WTF?
we go from 1 crutch to the next one. instead just lower the AA.
[quote]The real reason that Thorn was nerfed is that "the little bitchin" snipers couldn't camp and snipe, like they do now.[/quote] Now let me preface this by saying I've never believed Thorn should have been nerfed and I think it's currently the shittiest primary in the game. That said, Thorn is and always has been the campingest primary in the game, so you might not want to rag on snipers for camping. If they're bitches from their play style, so are Thorn users.
Someone misses their DoT crutch....
I agree, see you in the dark zone
Surely you jest ?? Lol
Lol. ITT: someone using a scrubby weapon whining about people using scrubby weapons.
So if they bring back Thorn people wouldn't be able to camp?
[quote]Destiny became almost only a sniping PvP. Almost everybody is only sniping. Just camping and waiting.... The ONLY real answer for that is THE THORN. The real reason that Thorn was nerfed is that "the little bitchin" snipers couldn't camp and snipe, like they do now. I can snipe well, but getting bored of EVERY TIME the same: the game starts, you go to that specific spot and wait for the other snipers to appear. And then you wait...... But Thorn let's snipers reeling, so they mostly can't stay zoomed any more. It is the only answer to that camping.[/quote] All they need to do snipers is take hidden hand and aim assist off them
You can't be serious. Not that I care (PvE-centric here), but that's like bringing in piranhas to take care of a guppy problem.
Lol as if camping was an actual issue
Lmfao, "It's the only answer!"
Never thought of it that way