I've read it. That doesn't sound like coordination. It sounds like cherry picking. From previous myths that were once thought to be true. Like I said, the story of Jesus is not original. The virgin birth, the last supper, the betrayal, the resurrection, and many other things come from previous myths. Even the holidays aren't original. Many of them come from pagan traditions. Easter and Christmas included. Quoting things from it does nothing for me. Even if I thought the intention was from a divine source, the book is flawed because humans are flawed. If it requires "interpretation", to be described as metaphor, or is often distinguished by the use of the wood [i]version[/i], it is flawed because humans are flawed. It is dated and [b]very[/b] much a reflection of our level of ignorance at the time in which is was conceived.
As for hell, what you said is exactly the problem with it. It's using fear of something that can't currently be proven to attempt to dictate people's actions. If a human does that to another human being it is seen as bad behavior or even referred to as terrorism if extreme enough. In that case people's reasons for acting considerably towards others are much less genuine, if at all, and not derived from empathy.
If heaven is a utopia for everyone, they are being forced to accept it because like I said, perfection is subjective(I did use the wrong word, thank you).
I do overcome hardships. Everyone does. That's life. It's inescapable. Telling myself something is looking out for me has never once comforted me. You know what did help me get through it? People. Actual human beings that I can interact with that comfort me, help me, and provide insight on situations that I needed help seeing. Many of which share the same outlook on life as me. That don't assume they are being watched and guided. We are in this together and we have [b]no[/b] reason to give in to complacency and assume we are being watched over by a higher power. We change things. We help each other. When we mess up, it's our fault. When we fix things it's because we overcame it. We are capable of so much more than belief. We are capable of love, discovery, creation, and empathy.
"There is not enough love and kindness in the world to give any of it away to imaginary beings."
-Friederich Nietzsche
Sorry for not replying until now, but I was busy this weekend. I agree with you regarding the holidays. They were celebrated in pagan ways to satisfy pagan converts, and I don't think that should've ever been done. No one even knows what day Jesus was born, and it should actually be some time of the year closer to late summer/fall, like September, instead of in the winter, according to a few sources. However, although humans are obviously flawed, I don't believe God would allow His Words to be corrupted by humans to the point that the genuine message is forever lost from the world, especially if He claims to love us and desire for us to know about Him. I would like to have printings of the oldest possible manuscripts, and accurate translations of those into English, but until that time I will stick with my King James Bible and not with any of the numerous newer bibles that have been published since. It is people that use and abuse the threat of condemnation to manipulate others with fear, not God. I've just spent the last two hours or so reading a few articles on how Church leaders throughout history have done this, which I do not like one bit. When Jesus commissioned His Apostles to go out into the world and teach, He didn't say to teach through fear. They were given power to do miracles, heal, cure, etc. Very joyous things, right? Not showing people visions of hell and suffering that would come on them if the didn't believe. On a related note, I will tell you that I've heard various things on what exactly hell might be. I'll start by assuming that is in an entirely different area of existence that this universe in which we live. But is it a literal fiery place, like Gehenna is referred to as? Is it simply a place away from the presence of God, where His enemies can see His infinite love, yet know that they will never have that love? The latter place would be solely a place of regret and sorrow and weeping. What it is exactly, I do not know. What I do know is that the happiness of being with God forever is stressed much, much more than the sorrow of being without God. But, then, you do not know what Heaven is. Neither do I, nor any other person; "For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him. -Isaiah 64:4". I've read it be called a place of rest, and a place in which we will have a full understanding of God and His love. I can't imagine people feeling as if they have to "settle" for it or that they won't be happy in Heaven, even with no knowledge of what awaits us there. On the final point, you are right that we shouldn't be complacent and just assume God will keep us safe from everything. I remember this one thing Jesus said in one of the Gospel books (and, alas, I have been unable to find what verses they are right now). He criticizes the Pharisees that He was talking to because they had one time passed by a poor beggar, and rather than give money or food, all they did was say "Peace", or "God bless you". In modern times, I've heard news stories of parents refusing to give medicine to their children and bad things that have resulted from it. In light of the verses I'm thinking about, I have to say that those stories disappoint me. Praying is good, and part of my hope in God is that He will "make all things new (Revelation 21:5)" and make perfect this flawed world; but when resources are available, whether they be physical goods or moral/spiritual wisdom, they should be used for the good needs and purposes that they can satisfy. I pray that you and all the people you mentioned may be blessed and find rest and peace and whatever else you may need.
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 3/16/2016 11:15:34 AMThanks for the thought out and intelligent responses. That isn't common in these debates. From both sides. As for me, I've already found peace in that regard. I found it when I stopped worrying about and relying on what "might" be and what would be nice were it true. About what comes after death, if anything. About where we came from. I think it's just wishful thinking. I feel more alive than I ever have and just the thoughts of what might be out there amaze me. I prefer to consider where we are going. I have no problem with people believing in something even if I think it's just wishful thinking, if it gets them through life. In fact, I know someone who "found religion"(not Christianity though). Had he not, he'd likely be in prison for life or even dead. And he knows this and admits it. I think this often seen scenario speaks volumes for the state of mind belief holds people in. It's comparable to addiction. That's another conversation entirely though. The problem is that too often we can't keep these beliefs, which equate to little more than wishful thinking, to ourselves. We perpetuate complacency by doing this. I just think we stand more to gain from letting that go. I wonder how people will look at religious beliefs, which are just ideas on the nature of existence, when we start creating life or even universes. Those are seemingly the only major attributes that we associate with being a god left that we haven't already started doing ourselves even if only in some minuscule capacity.
You are welcome, and thank you as well. Not a single curse word was thrown at either person, which I like. As for me, though, the things I've seen in my life so far have shown me a good place to put my faith in, and I try to grow in it every day. I don't know about you, but I'd like to put an end to this discussion. I'm physically tired (it's midnight here), I'm mentally and emotionally tired (I don't want to talk about it), and I'd rather not keep doing this if we don't have to. I pray for good things for you and everyone in your life, and see you around.
Sounds good. Have a good day.