I was enjoying a simple rumble match, winning and I was shredding people with my iron banner machine gun. After I had won, I received a message from some rap scallion saying, "Proud of heavy kills -blam!-"
I replied very passive aggressively, "yes my good sir, I do enjoy the art of actually picking up heavy and using it :)"
He never replied.
Shows that some people can be real assholes sometimes. Please spread the awareness
Heavy ammo in the crucible sucks and can to easily turn the tide of a match, especially rumble. However that's not your fault and the salty message sender needs to relax.
They were just butthurt. Use it or lose it! Hell I try and grab it to just keep it from others also. Hvy can change a game quick. Fck'em!
Probably because heavy requires the least skill. However, it's in the game, I can't really be mad at you for using it.
Been using a Btrd recently, we're losing, I get it, then we're winning
Lol, i wish i got that, i once used heavy for 20 of my 26 kils in a game. Was really funny
I got hate mail because I'm a 1kdr player and I dominated a 2kdr player using thorn and medator-shotgun(sorry I'm a year 2 player forgot the name) on a match it was mostly me and him on 1v1 situations. I teabagged him at the end. I was using a eyalusa. I went like 2.5kdr that match he was like at a .9kdr. I'll check if I have his hate message on my psn messages.
I've gotten hate mail for completely turning a match around going off only with heavy. Once it spawned, I kept killing the same guy over and over with a machine gun. Eventually, the second round of heavy came by and I still had some ammo left over. I used that little bit to kill the exact same dude seconds away from pulling heavy and I took it for my own. I ended the match at the top of the board with 23-5. A very angry message followed soon after >:)
I do think that heavy ammo does not belong to the Crucible but that's not your fault, it's on Bungie to take it out(which won't happen but oh well)
It's because you can be a really bad player, but if you happen to pick up heavy and have a machine gun, you can dominate.
It's probably because heavy is a the lowest skill weaponry there is, makes sense to me.
Had the same recently, guy messaged me after a Rumble match on Memento with something along the lines of "Nice only heavy kills scrub, learn to play" He went negative with TLW, Blink, and 1KYS Got matched up with him again on the same map about 10 minutes later, beat him a second time in a row and only got two kills with heavy that whole match. Some people just suck.
Heavy shouldn't even be in rumble. It's stupid. That however is not your fault.
Please make sure you don't tell people about the Hammer. They're busy thinking the Terminus is OP haha
Most people send hatemail and then immediately block the recipient to prevent getting a smart reply. That's probably why you didn't get any response.
heavy ammo in rumble can secure a victory. he was really salty he lost cause he wasnt fast enough to get the heavy. oh well, his lose.
I hate when people use their heavy on me before I get a chance to use mine haha
I mean....it's rumble...if you didn't get it someone would have...and I doubt that he would have just passed on it.
I got called a hacker once because my heavy ammo lasted till the next heavy spawn time ( control ) Using thunder lord with addition ammo perks on boots at the time
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
If anything, the only time I would consider sending hatemail over heavy ammo is when that one jerk takes it when the rest of the team (or just me) is running towards him. Just wait an extra second, you...you...dingus! -
I haven't gotten any hate mail yet but i probably will now that i opened up my settings so people and invite me to missions.
The only place I hate it is in 3v3 playlists.
I got a message after using heavy since the first time it dropped until we won in skirmish by my own teammate.
Heavy is pretty much cancer in Crucible. It spawns to frequently and you get to much ammo upon pick up. It's ok in 6v6, but in 3v3, once you got it you can basically play with it till the next heavy spawn. I pick it up, but don't use it unless I'm on a streak and want it to go on.
Heavy ammo is for scrubs.
The only hate mail I send is "nice lag"
I try to center my whole game around the heavy in rumble. Not camping by it, but staying in a postion where I have a good route to it. If you can do that and you have a machine gun, you can mess around and get 8 to 10 kills outta that ammo. Definitely a game changer.