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Let me first say, I love Destiny! I've been on board since about 1 month post opening. I started my own clan, we have dominated raids, iron banner, and crucible and POEs etc with always having a thirst for more. NOW, not so much. I'm still in it, and getting some new guys periodically, but I have lost several of my clanmates until Destiny 2, and maybe past that.
You (BUNGIE) broke the game. Listening to all this whining about "OP" weapons and so forth. You've taken the fun out of the game, for what some people who were NO GOOD at it in the first place. Face it, some people play well, and some well they will always be average at best. This is not socialism, you should NOT equal everyone out. I worked to get my thorn, my fatebringer, my gjallahorn, etc.... I've dedicated over a years time to this game, and it's starting to feel like a waste.
You have made Autorifles OP, taken any chance out of using hand cannons, zapped year 1 out of existence/relevance. If the game was going to do this, why are there even completionists like myself? I platinumed long before year 2, as did most of my clan. We genuinely had fun embracing the teammenship. Now you bring in CRAP like RIFT for Iron Banner?! Iron Banner is supposed to be the ultimate in team vs team strategy, not with the rift it isnt. Anyone can get lucky and grab spark and score. You could dominate a team, and lose because of bad spawning, and luck. That isn't team vs team .. When it was control that made sense, its control 2 zones, and push the 3rd continually while dominating your opponent.
I hope you realize what you are doing, because if this game is going to last, you need to seriously think of WHO you are making this for? The casuals that don't get on to do bounties and work toward thorn, they only want to complain about it instead. Everyone knows if the complain enough, you will change it. Well the hardcore Destiny guy like me and my team, we actually figure out what and how to win. But you are burning these guys out. They all are frustrated. Stick with the guys that have over 1000 hours in this game, not some random blue guy who just walked on the scene from COD.
I want to continue on Destiny, but being same relevant damage as a level 2 in crucible is insulting. Getting thrown into a rumble match that the leader has 1200+ points, nope pulling out of that one!! Or being in a match where a red barred ** can win is TERRIBLE.... FIX IT.... it would be SO EASY to kick someone with that connection - REAL TIME. Be in trials at 8-0 and get some red bar, lag-switching turd is TERRIBLE.... might as well jump off side, cause you aint hitting 9-0 now.... its crap.... fix it... fix it.... fix it PLEASE