Check out the weekly update this week. Take a look at the end of the post.
Damn, DeeJ, back again with that attitude!!!
Seriously, is the fact that our questions go unanswered and ignored supposed to impress us? Is the fact that the community manager is an ass supposed to be funny? It's not. All it's done is solidify the point that the devs don't give a shit about the players, and want Destiny to appeal to the largest demographic in Call of Duty fans, while having the appearance at the surface that this is an intellectual game for smart people, which it clearly isn't. I'm done. I've got Dark Souls 3 in a few weeks and I can rest assured in the fact that there are developers out there who don't cop a snarky attitude every time their short comings are pointed out.
I know my words fall on deaf ears. I know you don't care. I don't care. Go -blam!- yourselves.