"Duuude, calm down. I'm just trying to sleep... Is that what you sound like or something?"
Keep that up and I'll turn you into a female [b]everything went blurry and when his vision cleared he was thrown in a bathtub filled with water[/b] Two choices. Bathe yourself or I do it for you
"You gonna stare at me like that the whole time...? ALSO WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!"
[b]he's holding his clothes[/b] I need to wash them. I've seen many people without their clothes on so quit your whining [b]he walks out of the bathroom which is most likely his personal considering the photos of him and his children on the mirror[/b]
"[i]this is weird... I gotta get outta here[/i]" [b]he thinks to himself, he cleans himself and waits I guess[/b]
[b]he eventually comes back with his clothes that were cleaned,dried and ironed out[/b] If you're thinking of something negative you should change your attitude
[b]he is back in those clothes in a fraction of a second[/b] "Uhhh.... Thanks? Why is this happening? What did I do to warrant this?"
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/13/2016 1:52:07 PM[b]his face blushed a light shade of pink[/b] I could smell you on the other side of the ship [b]Tiberius runs in and latches onto his fathers leg[/b]
[b]he looks at Tiberius, confused as to Why he just attacked his own father. [/b]"So you decided to drug me and bathe me instead of just like... Telling me to shower?"
Yeah...I uhh had to bite your shoulder to get the poison in your body [b]he shakes Tiberius off but he latched back on and starts nuzzling him[/b] Tiberius [b]Tiberius lets go and walks out whining[/b]
[b]he follows him out, returning with Tiberius in his arms[/b] "... What. The -blam!-. Did you do. to me. I don't appreciate being molested..."
Molested. No. Although I did have to check for wounds and you should be careful with Tiberius...he might get the wrong idea if you're too nice
Edited by Cosmic: 3/13/2016 2:16:01 PM"Don't worry about that. Also what ailed me? I was wounded?"
When the body is put under stress it can damage itself whether the person is harmed or not
"Hmm, that sucks." [b]he scratches tiberius's ears.[/b]
[b]Tiberius teasingly droops his ears[/b] It does and the reaction hadn't exactly ended so that's why I poisoned you...and then with some trouble I got you here and threw you in the bathtub
"Yeah... Uhhh what's with the other two, ya know... Dogs. Tiberius just strait up rushes people when he sees them, the other two are rather non-confrontational.
Tiberius is a love sick little puppy and loves attention, Karma loves people too but she's very timid and Lady just doesn't like social interactions without her siblings
[b]he continues to scratch his ear [/b] " I understand I guess, I just haven't seen the other two ther than the time I walked in on you guys sleeping..."
Well they do hide under my bed a lot and sneak around at night
"That's how I met this one." [b]he hugs him and puts him down[/b] "I believe you have something that belongs to me." [b]he motions to the AK-47, leaning against a wall[/b]
Yeah and don't fire it until you get the eye out of the barrel [b]he picks up Tiberius and lightly bites down on his ear[/b]
Edited by Cosmic: 3/13/2016 2:35:57 PM[b]he laughs [/b] "Did you actually find it?"
No but I'm getting closer to getting the bastard [b]Tiberius sticks his tongue out at Wheatley with a sly grin[/b]
"Also.... This is gonna sound weird but... If you are these guys 's father, then who, dare I ask, is the mother?"
Hmm...oh yeah. She's like them but she can be demanding when I choose to roam as an animal and in doing so she had my children against my consent. She'll be here in a few days her name is Time