Bramd - old
Then what are ya doing with that? -
Bramd - old
Oh, then I REALLY want to help *leaves, but comes back later with a truck filled with 5000 pounds of ANFO* -
"Eeeeegggggggggcellent. Now come help me line the corridors with this stuff. Place a canister of 77 at each intersection." Place nothing in the rooms."
Bramd - old
Alright *proceeds to drag three cannisters away. Tow for what you're doing, one for "personal reasons"* *you hear a mumble sounding like* "Man, I've really wanted to get my hands on some of this" -
*The third one vanishes* Heh.
Bramd - old
Ask, do not take.
Bramd - old
[b]Then can I have one?[/b] *Wit walks up to MegaMortar* What are you doing? [b]This guy has explosives![/b] Explosives? *sigh* You know what happened last time you set them off. [b]Yeah, well I think I was drunk.[/b] Are you drunk now? [b]No, why do you always assume I'm drunk? Wait, am I? No, no.[/b] Well, don't come crying to me when you lose an eye again [b]It grew back and you know it![/b] Whatever. Can I help? -
"While you two were bantering, I finished. Feel free to take a canister of Mark 77. Only one though."
Bramd - old
[b]Thanks[/b] Are you sure? [b]Of course! Am I ever wrong with explosives?[/b] Well... [b]Don't answer that. Anyway, I'm bringing this to Crossbow's place. See ya[/b] Okay. Hey you, I never caught your name.