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3/13/2016 9:52:34 PM

I've killed The War Priest, Golgoroth and The Sisters about 18 times each, and...

I've killed Oryx maybe 5 or 6 times, overall... Why? Because [b]people[/b] are whiny, sucky, rage-quitting bitches. This isn't a complaint against Bungie, or against Destiny, or against the Oryx Battle, itself. WHY do people rage-quit if their team doesn't get the Oryx part of the raid done PERFECTLY in the first 1 or 2 tries? "Oh, we had to wipe twice. I'm gonna leave the party/fire-team without saying anything because I can't handle my own rage." Seriously, grow the -blam!- up, people. All it takes is one or two people to go into whiney Rage-Bitch-Rage-Quit mode to ruin a Raid for the entire team. Just suck it up and keep trying. Jesus-Tapdancing-Christ. I'm really proud to say I've NEVER Rage-Quit on a team in a Raid; not Vault of Glass, not Crota's End, not King's Fall. If anyone wants a Raid Party of non-rage-quitters, I'm definitely down. I'll stick it out 'till the end, as long as I have the time of day.

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  • I don't care about raiding. Can only manage to do WarPriest HM challenge because Golgoroth challenge freezes my system and people are too idiotic to know what to do on oryx and die instantaneously... #Forever315

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  • Less than 18 kills each you only have 36 vip kills and that's including oryx

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  • -blam!-ing scrub

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  • i had to quit once, because i didnt have enough time

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  • Edited by Naki Krogan: 3/15/2016 5:35:01 AM
    I've only rage quit once during the raid. But that was after doing oryx for several hours with people that have beat him more then enough but couldn't be competent for whatever reason. But I've had people just up and leave, especially earlier on, because people usually don't want to take the time to learn something or just can't do it themselves either way. I think the funniest was when someone rage quit during the second jumping section because he didn't understand how to jump properly.

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  • If people suck, I quit.

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  • I don't rage quit at all, i mean sure its tedious to do the same raid boss over and over and over again without making any progress but i hold it in, back in yr 1 me and a few friends did vog and died on atheon so many times i lost count but i never rage quit.

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  • I keep happy and calm so add me if you're on ps4

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  • I usually end up quitting around sisters or oryx which sucks dick cause I have 60 shards. Not out of anger but usually whatever team im running with falls apart or steps out "real quick" (half hour) or someone can't rotate platforms properly etc etc and I really don't often have 5+ hours to do a full raid. I wish someone would pull me into oryx so I can use my fkn shards

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  • The only time I've left a raid on my fireteam was when some idiot thought he could do VoG with three people. I was the only one who had TTK.

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  • How to beat Oryx: Shoot at the chest Coordinate Don't get terrible players/newbie squeakers

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  • Cuz you suck?

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  • Nothing against Bungie at all. It's not their fault they made a game mode with shitty rewards that people don't want to play.

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  • I've rage quit when people go *squeaking* "WHY DO YOU GUYS SUCK SO BAD YOURE RUINING MY KAY DEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *sweaty tryhard* "MAN U LIL PUSSY ASS BITCH U DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO RUN RELIC AND YOU SUCK DICK WHY YOU EVEN PLAY THIS GAME" *one sensible guy* Hey guys can we just get this over with I'm kinda tire- *all* SHADDAP *me* Sigh. *a player has left the fireteam.*

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  • Easy thing to do overall, but small errors and lag kill everyone and then it turns from a 15min thing to 2hrs (Hardest challenge in raids = evil main boss called lag)

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  • The raid is monotonous as -blam!- and by the time we get Oryx, I've had enough already. All KF boss battles summarized in one simple command; "Stand in the circle and shoot". -blam!-ing lame.

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    7 Replies
    • Can't handle Oryx? Pro tip: Hit it very hard

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    • Well, i got a 263 and 285 who never done a raid atall through on normal, with them not even dying. next time we also do Oryx on hard mode with same team, couple days after. So..... Your teams must be rubbish (not you) or too ignorant to change tactics. You ever want help, id sure be willing (XB1)

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    • After a couple of tries it's usually pretty obvious if a pickup team isn't going to make it. I may have a couple of hours for a raid, but I'm not good enough to carry players who aren't listening. Can't spend forever banging my head against a boss in the same boring room. Sure they might power through after dozens of attempts, I simply don't have the wherewithal for that. I've got better things to do, and nobody's going to guilt tripe into hanging around with a poor team. The difficulty spikes a fair bit on the last encounters of the raids so that's where you'll most likely get stuck.

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    • Half my raid team dissolved so it's been a while.

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    • Its definantly easy to tell werher a group is going to drop out or struggle. Ive learnt that over time.

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    • Sorry to hear that Guardian. If you were on PS4, I would gladly run the raid with you to the end. I have never rage quit but have to leave after my children have fallen asleep.

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    • Because war priest golgoroth and sisters are easier than oryx???? Retard

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    • That's funny I have no problem finishing it 3 times every week on Tuesday

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    • This will definitely help

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    • not doing right, got to run in after kiwwin the sistas do the 1 man monkey jingle and throw poo at oryx. he should die from it quickly or just bash your console. either way works.

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