To be honest, I am so intrigue with osiris thst I would love for it to be on mercury or venus.....for the....y'know....[i][u][b][spoiler]...Dragons...[/spoiler]So anyways feel free to say your corcerns or ideas.
Whether is it really involved or duck involved. Its sure to be a quack of a time.
Thanks alot for the feedback guys!!
Extra question: which element would you include for a new subclass and where would this element originate from (arc, void, solar)
Edit: [b]Holy -blam!-ing iron bananas[/b] Thanks for the magnificient 1000replys. Glad to have you take part
cabal raid on mars. or vex on mercury. where ever that vex pyramid is, that needs to be a raid.
Europa. The moon called europa. Cold and desolate, perfect for a Cabal invasion base :)
Well hopefully they'll open up some new area(s) wherever its at.
Earth. The vex land on earth and begin their work to convert the planet. And because the vex infection is no new on earth we have the opportunity to go down deep into the plannet to destroy the vex world shaper at its heart.
There won't be a new raid. But they will add 5 more crucible events because people love those right?
Earth somewhere besides Russia like Tokyo or something.
The sun tbh
dont care which planet, i just want it to be cabal.
Mercury would be awesome
The sun because thats a planet
New planet&new enemies fk the old shit
Don't care what planet, I just want it to be Cabal related.
Earth: fallen(house of kings probably) Mars: Cabal
I want Stargate like proportions. I want to go to other side of the known universe. I want something new.
It will probly be on mars or earth. Or a new planet. Thos are the only real options bungie has besides oryxs ship. Sorry cant spell it.
Uranus. I cant wait to raid it!!
Either Mercury or Mars. Maybe a fallen raid deep within European deadzone. But preferably Mercury.
Have you guys seen the concept art for Europa? Having a Raid in the bitter cold when it's snowing tons would be amazing.
Well we're hinted at the Cabal Empire during a side mission, so Cabal are probably next. Valus Kick'ass and his Psion fluffers
Edited by Vizard: 3/14/2016 1:43:26 PMAnything but hive/ taken
Mercury :3
Mars or Venus. I'm tired of the fcking hive.
Nope to much work we will have a raid on earth next lol
Cabal home world!!!!