To be honest, I am so intrigue with osiris thst I would love for it to be on mercury or venus.....for the....y'know....[i][u][b][spoiler]...Dragons...[/spoiler]So anyways feel free to say your corcerns or ideas.
Whether is it really involved or duck involved. Its sure to be a quack of a time.
Thanks alot for the feedback guys!!
Extra question: which element would you include for a new subclass and where would this element originate from (arc, void, solar)
Edit: [b]Holy -blam!-ing iron bananas[/b] Thanks for the magnificient 1000replys. Glad to have you take part
Haven't gone through all the comments but how many have said they want to raid Uranus?
Mercury? Pls
Traveler :0
Planet vegeta, Cause you know.. Ka Ka Rot To
Inside the traveler
Mercury, Europa, or Fundament.
Mars or Europa (Jupiter's moon)
Remember that art they showed of a ice planet/moon? That one.
Vex- mercury Or Cabal- mars (obvs)
The moon Europa
Cosmodrome, raid is inside the traveler with a new enemy to face that is going to destroy the last city, until u stop it, or a fallen raid with all the house coming to one to destroy everything and conquer the universe, all led by Randal the vandal
Pluto, and I think a "Taken/Darkness" version of each class, with some sort of "darkness" leveling system would be pretty cool. Wouldn't you like the choice between nova bomb and the taken captain stuff that they throw at us? Just a thought.
The Death Star
Earth- six man team defending the tower from an enemy.
I would also like the idea of a raid with two factions battling such as vex vs fallen. Or maybe a raid with PVP elements.
Earth or mars Faction ghosts and sparrows
Earth I want an actual Fallen raid. Imagine the raid boss being a giant spider tank that you have to blow parts to make the Kell/Archon get out.
There won't be another raid...............
Planet ladies undergarments