A) Mercury : Vex raid.
Raid start in South America in the jungle of the mayan and aztec pyramids, and a boss fight in the Bermuda triangle that open a new portal to Mercury in the past then you are teleported the whole planet is a unique Vex overmind, destroy nodes 1at the time to free the planet for future exploration and regain control.
B) : Jupiter: Cabal raid
Home world of one of the specie that compose the Cabal dominion (the big turkey looking one not the psion) and use Cabal archives found on the ship that crashed into the dreadnaught and reach the underground Cabal mining facility to destroy it because it it their only source of harvesting crystal they need to atune their arms to be working effectively in our galaxy.
C) Neptune: Fallen raid.
Ever wonder why the Fallen got so many arms and need to wear mask, because they cannot breathe in our world without those gas mask. now is the time to strike once and for all to finally destroy the fallen House which is their homeworld. new unique fallen design for older fallen that could not survive out of their homeworld and explain why they need to invade other planet and steal and loot technology from others.
[quote] B) : Jupiter: Cabal raid Home world of one of the specie that compose the Cabal dominion (the big turkey looking one not the psion) and use Cabal archives found on the ship that crashed into the dreadnaught and reach the underground Cabal mining facility to destroy it because it it their only source of harvesting crystal they need to atune their arms to be working effectively in our galaxy. [/quote] God no pls god no the cabal do not need a raid let alone friggin strikes i mean seriously there the most annoying group in the game why bungie even gave them a strike is beyond me there ugh people like you r really great comedians you got to be doing this is a joke right pls tell me this is a joke
Someone has never read the Grimoire, I can tell....
It sounds cool, but Neptune and Jupiter are made of gas. They're gas giants. They have a rocky/icy core but thats such a small percentage of their mass. I think Mercury would be a more viable option. Probably vex oriented. Good ideas though. If it was on Jupiter or something itd have to be on a ship inside the planet or something.
Somebody never watched Jupiter Ascending
That somebody probably didn't consider Jupiter Ascending as worth watching, and I'd have to agree.
Neptune isn't their homeworld. And they wear mask for life sustaining ether, not breathing. But sounds interesting as a setting