To be honest, I am so intrigue with osiris thst I would love for it to be on mercury or venus.....for the....y'know....[i][u][b][spoiler]...Dragons...[/spoiler]So anyways feel free to say your corcerns or ideas.
Whether is it really involved or duck involved. Its sure to be a quack of a time.
Thanks alot for the feedback guys!!
Extra question: which element would you include for a new subclass and where would this element originate from (arc, void, solar)
Edit: [b]Holy -blam!-ing iron bananas[/b] Thanks for the magnificient 1000replys. Glad to have you take part
What i want is a Cabal raid. This whole time on the dreadnought we've been told that the Cabal have been sending a signal to the empire. The characters of destiny already know of this empire which means they've either fought them once before ( maybe on mars) or came really f'ing close. Thing about it some dope ass old 15th century castle on this planet, location status: unknown ( we use a wormhole to get there; the same way the Cabal get here), except this Castle is a machine and a weapon. Idk if anyone wants to add to it they can, maybe im just going to Final Fantasy on this idea. But but....#Deej, I want it or I'll 1v1 you in destiny for it and the whole damn Bungie squad too!.