To be honest, I am so intrigue with osiris thst I would love for it to be on mercury or venus.....for the....y'know....[i][u][b][spoiler]...Dragons...[/spoiler]So anyways feel free to say your corcerns or ideas.
Whether is it really involved or duck involved. Its sure to be a quack of a time.
Thanks alot for the feedback guys!!
Extra question: which element would you include for a new subclass and where would this element originate from (arc, void, solar)
Edit: [b]Holy -blam!-ing iron bananas[/b] Thanks for the magnificient 1000replys. Glad to have you take part
Definitely Mercury. Really all we've seen of it is The Burning Shrine in the Fields of Glass, the Vertigo facility in Caloris Basin, and, of course, the Lighthouse. I could imagine a great story about taking back the planet from the Vex that have infested it. Perhaps in the Raid you could travel to the planet's core and take out the Mind controlling the planet?