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3/14/2016 11:14:36 PM

XB1 Normal (King's Fall) Raid Carries

Not everyone is ready for a hard raid. Some haven't even completed the raid in its entirety. I'm looking for 5 who need a Normal raid. I'll help anyone in need, with experience or not. This will be a fresh run, no checkpoints or freebies. Here's what I'll need from you: Light Level: Must AT LEAST be over 295. I'm not going to carry you that much. I will be running a Hunter, make sure to leave your class below. If you have Touch if Malice that would be great. Black Spindle too, if not, that's fine. Leave your GT's; Mine is Her Big Bear if you want to just directly message me instead of leaving a comment. I still need light level and what class you are. Just put it in the message. Mic or no mic I'll run with you. Lastly, I prefer more mature players to raid with. I would like to get this done and not be delayed so be mature and ready to raid :) See you in Orbit, Guardians!

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