I've killed Oryx maybe 5 or 6 times, overall... Why?
Because [b]people[/b] are whiny, sucky, rage-quitting bitches.
This isn't a complaint against Bungie, or against Destiny, or against the Oryx Battle, itself. WHY do people rage-quit if their team doesn't get the Oryx part of the raid done PERFECTLY in the first 1 or 2 tries?
"Oh, we had to wipe twice. I'm gonna leave the party/fire-team without saying anything because I can't handle my own rage." Seriously, grow the -blam!- up, people. All it takes is one or two people to go into whiney Rage-Bitch-Rage-Quit mode to ruin a Raid for the entire team. Just suck it up and keep trying. Jesus-Tapdancing-Christ.
I'm really proud to say I've NEVER Rage-Quit on a team in a Raid; not Vault of Glass, not Crota's End, not King's Fall. If anyone wants a Raid Party of non-rage-quitters, I'm definitely down. I'll stick it out 'till the end, as long as I have the time of day.
Edited by Naki Krogan: 3/15/2016 5:35:01 AMI've only rage quit once during the raid. But that was after doing oryx for several hours with people that have beat him more then enough but couldn't be competent for whatever reason. But I've had people just up and leave, especially earlier on, because people usually don't want to take the time to learn something or just can't do it themselves either way. I think the funniest was when someone rage quit during the second jumping section because he didn't understand how to jump properly.