lol Road trip! To Zootopia!
I heard that the movie was really good but I have no one to see it with oh well I'll see it eventually though
Edited by Senor Crouch: 3/15/2016 6:54:36 AMIt is an epic movie. The story was funny, mysterious, and had a much more deep moral message than I thought Disney was capable of. Being objective about it, I'd say the movie was a solid 9/10............that being said, being subjective about it the movie was clearly a 25/10! I mean...FURRIES, FURRIES EVERYWHERE MAN! It was great! If FurAffinity was depicted as a world, Zootopia would be it. I could gush and gush about the movie. You know a lot of these films with anthro characters, it is just like putting a human into a virtually animated animal character suit or something...but with Zootopia they actually feel like they are animals with human-like qualities. Okay I'm going to stop gushing for now.
Lmao you gushed so hard for a second there
Edited by Senor Crouch: 3/15/2016 7:10:51 AMlol All I know is if John Bailey doesn't end his eventual Honest Trailers video of Zootopia as "Disney's Furries, the Movie" I'll be very disappointed in him. I can hear him now, "And did you see Gazelle? Totally hot right?......oh God, wait am I turning into one of them!?"
Its SO amazing
I wanna see it sooooo bad. In no small part thanks to Ginnifer Goodwin being in it
Edited by Zak: 3/15/2016 6:47:01 AMLol same