A little....
"Hmm.... alright then."
[b]she walks to the bridge[/b]
Bye then.
[b]she nods and keeps walking[/b]
*once you get there you notice a trail of blood* [spoiler]this id helping me know when you replied in pm trying to keep it going [/spoiler]
[b]she follows the bloodtrail[/b]
*it leads back to a woman sitting in the corner holding her stomach and a dead man in front of her a knife in the man's head**the girl's helmet covers her face but you can hear her breathing*
[b]she walks over to her and kneels down in front of her[/b]
[b]she takes a can of biofoam off of her belt. Moves the girls hand out if the way and sprays it into the wound[/b]
Thank you...ow...
[b]she nods and picks the girl up carrying her to the medbay[/b]
*Logan and Sepvus begin to work on the Spartan that you're holding^
"Who is she?"
*logan slips off her helmet and gasps* it's Nicole....
Don't worry about it.
"Tell me who she is"
None of your concern.
"Like hell it isn't"
Yeah hell is none of your concern.
"I'm not asking. Tell me"
To bad.