*once you get there you notice a trail of blood*
[spoiler]this id helping me know when you replied in pm trying to keep it going [/spoiler]
[b]she follows the bloodtrail[/b]
*it leads back to a woman sitting in the corner holding her stomach and a dead man in front of her a knife in the man's head**the girl's helmet covers her face but you can hear her breathing*
[b]she walks over to her and kneels down in front of her[/b]
[b]she takes a can of biofoam off of her belt. Moves the girls hand out if the way and sprays it into the wound[/b]
Thank you...ow...
[b]she nods and picks the girl up carrying her to the medbay[/b]
*Logan and Sepvus begin to work on the Spartan that you're holding^
"Who is she?"
*logan slips off her helmet and gasps* it's Nicole....
Don't worry about it.
"Tell me who she is"
None of your concern.
"Like hell it isn't"
Yeah hell is none of your concern.
"I'm not asking. Tell me"
To bad.
"Fine. Do we know the guy who attacked her?"
Ex unsc marine.
"Why'd he attack her?"
Don't know.
"Any ideas?"
"Well then we don't have anything to go on as of this moment"