Need 2 cool bros to join me in battle for the mighty bolt caster
Need 2 for last step on exotic sword quest
Edited by UndyingDuck: 3/19/2016 8:45:05 PMCompleted.
2 I mean
Need 3 people for solar sword
Need one for raze lighter and or dark drinker strike. Message on Xbox for invite. Sirpiteroth
Looking to do the void sword but all help is appreciated Message my gt for an invite
Anyone down to help? Looking to do my last sword (void) GT: butter2001 Xbone Send invite
Looking to do my last sword (void) GT: butter2001 Xbone Send invite
on final mission need 2 315+ GT: Felix Smalls
Need two for Raze lighter!! GT same as above
Looking to do final part of sword quest.. Need solar and void. Can do anytime pretty much today. Hit me up
Need 2 for Raze Lighter Gt same msg for inv
need 1 for void
Edited by Monk3y-house: 3/16/2016 4:51:56 PMNeed 2 for dark drinker quest Add paco-073
Need 2 for void and arc swords gt same as above
Need 2 305+ to do final part of exotic sword quest one xbox one gt same
I'll jiin
Add me. Rednour88 is my gamer tag. I need both the arc and void still so I hope we can help one another. I still need to do the farming parts of the quests though.
Add de_best101