Yes, the weapon has had an edit to its original form, but it is still a disappointment to wield in either PvP or PvE. The gun itself from the stats promises a heavy hitting but slightly slow firing weapon that can get what you don't like out of your way if you can land your shots.
The reason it feels so poor in PvP is that ever-present slow fire rate. In most engagements, it gets you killed, and is only ever used as an assist weapon for team play, knocking down enemy health and drawing aggro. But alone, the gun fails time and time again. The triple tap is a now common HC perk, but the problem is the exotic perk-a stability buff, range buff, and insta-reload on your first precision kill. You are lucky if you get any kill against your foes. The buffs leave as you reload, and send you back to square one as you attempt to push through whatever environment you find yourself in.
PvE pins it as an even more useless weapon. Sure, it hits heavy and has a reload for you when you hit through a shield, but that first precision kill tends to be on a lowly acolyte or dreg, wasting the perk immediately. Stability does help at times, but the range? Ever since the HC nerf on range, never have I seen a more desperate attempt to gain that extra few meters it just can't quite reach. The gun is thus defaulted to a mediocre weapon with no real exotic feel to it.
The change I propose is this: keep true to the weapon's feel. A gun that makes death feel as an afterthought. Care not for your health if your aim is true. Change the entire exotic perk for it to add a slight rate of fire when your health is low. Losing the stability buff would make it more difficult but more rewarding to use, the range was never truly potent, and the shoot a guy, get bullets perk is unreliable at the times that make any gun count.
I believe that this would make the gun feel more exotic, more personalized to what it is trying to be, and hope that this message one day finds someone who cares enough to mention it to someone with the means to make a change. I have always been rooting for this gun and always will be, but I hate feeling so depressed every lackluster kill I get when I realize how much more exotic so many weapons are.
Give it the RoF of TLW!!