To be honest, I am so intrigue with osiris thst I would love for it to be on mercury or venus.....for the....y'know....[i][u][b][spoiler]...Dragons...[/spoiler]So anyways feel free to say your corcerns or ideas.
Whether is it really involved or duck involved. Its sure to be a quack of a time.
Thanks alot for the feedback guys!!
Extra question: which element would you include for a new subclass and where would this element originate from (arc, void, solar)
Edit: [b]Holy -blam!-ing iron bananas[/b] Thanks for the magnificient 1000replys. Glad to have you take part
I want cabal. On Mars and Phobos and in the cabal fleet jumping from ship to ship in space to the capital ship to stop the emperor. Destroying the land tank or recovering it for us to use would be a strike. Conclude with stopping the decent of Phobos to Mars as a post boss section of the raid.
Darkness. I want dark guardians. The lore says that the darkness has a substance to it. Not just absence of light. This gives us corrupted guardians as a foe and skin/armor options. So one for each class. Would be more an armor set that when worn together gives an altered perk tree. So not necessarily a new subclass. They could do a range of skins too with the darkness attribute. Kinda like raid gear but far more perk changes.
Edit: actually make the story be a theme of defense from the cabal armada then the raid starts as a counter attack. Getting to the capital ship the emperor is not there but a strong boss. Bring in the reef fleet and the queen to attack and we go to the warminds bunker with the land tank to fight the emperor and his Flayers bringing down Phobos and stopping Rasputin from using counter measures. And after that fight ends kinda like oryx last stand you do a short battle to help Rasputin take over the warmind because it's rampant after the Flayers lose control. You fail Phobos crashes and don't it's destroyed making a ring around Mars.
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