Hey Cozmo and Deej,
I noticed that your update removed many months worth of #UnofficialWeeklyUpdate. What gives? I worked hard on those, and tried to make sure that there was always a fun place for the community to read humorous material. You've never really said anything (nor do I ever expect you to, the reward was from the people reading them) but I feel like this was as significant contribution in the first two years of Destiny as far as these forums go, and you just wipe them clean like they never happened. Was there an issue during the update? Can they be retrieved? Aside from Cozmo wishing me well for my wedding, nobody at Bungie has mentioned them or taken notice (despite frequently trending for sometimes three or four days, and gathering well over 2,000 votes per poll), but a lot of folks on these forums did.
I have supported your game since the Alpha, and unlike many users, am still here instead of moving over to The Division, but I feel slighted...
Can someone get back to me on what happened here? I wanted to save them. I understand if I cannot, but I feel like I deserve some kind of explanation here.
Very much appreciated!
Looks like a bug in the post loader - it isn't going as far back into the past as it should to find posts. Don't worry, your posts are still there. I'll make sure it gets fixed as soon as we can (bungie.net updates fairly often, so you shouldn't have to wait long).
Where's the updates?
Bump! Only reason I checked in was for your update posts!
..... #TitanMasterRace
Hey Max, is everything ok?
You are a victim of your own success Murdius. Your "Unofficial Weekly Update" was vastly more popular with the community than their own weekly update. All kidding aside, your contributions showed more interaction with the community than either community manger has ever shown. I, for one, applaud you for that. Your weekly posts had a real "pulse of the people" feel to them. They also sparked great community dialogue. I only wish that such care and dedication had been shown by the ACTUAL community management. The community is very hostile toward DeeJ (and toward Cozmo to a degree but not as bad). While this "hostility" is not always fair, it HAS been earned. It was earned because being an "absentee" CM has been a great disservice to the community.
Come on now how could deej respond to a community post? He is so busy writing the two paragraph weekly update each week! Takes a lot of work to announce more next time. Maybe as community manager he could answer questions like these and many others.
It is so beautiful that they respond to a forum post to cause a little chaos so nobody notices the recurring lack of information in the update. Then someone, obviously supported and liked by the community, brings this to attention and all we hear are crickets...
People using the new site look are using a sort of Beta version to my knowledge. Wait until the full release to see how things go. Sound off in Feedback about it until then. The Destiny section isn't the right place for this.
Happy to see that you're still amongst us... Can we expect any more material?
Search Google, all posts show up from there. I found my old "Evolve will eventually kill Destiny" troll post from around October 2014
I'd like recognition for many things I've done in life, but I'm not the type to ask for ppl to pay attention to me. I'll feel the same way regardless. No wait, I've been with bungie since halo 1, I've lost older bungie.net accounts and put in more time as a fan. I want a reward. Lol. Okay..... no offense, but many community members do a lot more to help others and never ask for anything in return. You just sounded kinda like you're looking for attention (and yes, I know it was a bug and your stuff wasn't showing) in a forum/community that already has way too many ppl like that.
Dude i remember the one about the dreg who lives a careful life because it's easy for a dreg to get shot. True story since i read that update i've only killed 8 dregs all by accident. But i usually let my teammates kill them and i turn the blind eye.
I love reading your unofficial updates. Big fan from year one. Hope to see some material our soon!
So the legends are true....the one named Achronos has returned!
This post has been marked! They marked you, Murdy. Give them hell. Post some truth about them.
WTF are you talking about?
Thats bungie brother: easily damaged egotistical phycobabble spewing maniacs
Not only do I always appreciate your unofficial updates, I also have respect for the manner by which you just requested information - respectful and polite. Manners and reasonable behavior do still exist.
so are you changing the unofficial weekly update the the unofficial this week at...
I've also noticed this. My fan fic for destiny 2 disappeared on me. It's still out there. But I can't see it in the destiny app.
Destiny is literally a game created to pool in mass amounts of money with minimal effort or money spent during the process. What you people don't realize is that 500m is released through out the contract of 10 years based off profit. If Destiny doesn't meet the expectations of the corporate greedy satan worshipers than unfortunately Destiny will be discontinued. It's just a matter of time before the last few remaining players see this and move onto better games which I will not mention.
I went back and look over your updates. They end at this same time last year. So, they probably just deleted all posts that are a year or older. #TitanMasterRace
I missed you :o