Thought it was worth a shot to see how many nice people are in offtopic....I'll try to keep it short. So I have an awesome opportunity to help kids from the favelas(Dirt poor, terrible condition areas) in Brazil. They either have no parents, or their parents are on drugs in these areas. I have been learning Portuguese all year so I can personally communicate with them. We will feed them 3 meals a day (Something they rarely if ever get), give them loving care, and teach them about Christ (if you aren't a Christian, if anything we are feeding them and giving them the love they need). I need to raise money for airfare and other expenses, which will be about $1000 total.
If you can pitch in just $5 (The equivalent to a morning Starbucks coffee) it would be very much appreciated.
Not that I expect anyone to help out, but it would be very much appreciated, and would be $5 put towards a good cause.
Here's a link to my gofundme:
I hear they like missionary down there...