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3/18/2016 6:02:00 AM
Destiny is literally a game created to pool in mass amounts of money with minimal effort or money spent during the process. What you people don't realize is that 500m is released through out the contract of 10 years based off profit. If Destiny doesn't meet the expectations of the corporate greedy satan worshipers than unfortunately Destiny will be discontinued. It's just a matter of time before the last few remaining players see this and move onto better games which I will not mention.

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  • So just jog on, don't play, don't pay, don't use the forums.

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  • The fact you have mentioned... 10 year contract 500miilion Puts you in the complete idiot i dont know what im talking about category.. Well done you! Next time before you go spewing your BS check your facts at least some!! 500miilion was a cost of everything! (not even the right number just something the media and community got and its stuck) this includes advertising, creation, everything. 500 million was NOT spent on this game! And then you mention 10 year contract hahahaha there is no 10 year contract for destiny! Theres no timeline for destiny either, the 10 year contract was a publishing deal signed by bungie in 2010 with activision, it runs out in 2020! Soooo its got 4 years left on it! Its not a 10 year destiny contract!

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  • Right, but all they have to do is bring all yr 1 gear to current, give out the exotics advertised w ttk and then players will come back. Then weapon patch by buffing all primaries and un-nerfing shotguns and fusions and then release a DLC. Players be stoked to have their favorite gear back that actually works, motivated by potential new exotics and the gameplay. But I say -blam!- bungie.

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  • Why? When you can just add a few pleb emotes and stupid desticles will come back anyway throwing their parent's money at the screen?

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  • That's funny this update is free

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  • it isn't "free" since you already paid for it. a lot of this stuff was just time gated.

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  • Thats a load of crap. Show me anywhere when some person datamined/found a taken shader or new PoE gear.

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  • Edited by aura: 3/18/2016 3:30:11 PM
    [quote]new PoE gear[/quote] [b]new?[/b] it isn't new. same reskinned gear that [b]we already paid for[/b]. [quote]taken shader[/quote] this was paid for when you bought TTK and so were all the other exotics/gear that was time gated. learn how to read.

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  • Saying it was paid for and time gated implies it was already in the game. So show me proof.

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  • lol so you gonna skip the part about the [b]reskinned gear[/b]? bungie giving the players reskinned gear [i]again[/i]. exotics that we've known about since launch have been time gated since they aren't released yet until this upcoming update. remember sleeper simulant? time gated. anyways, I am done talking to you desticle.

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  • Dude I'm talking about the new update. Everyone new SS was time gated its no secret. But this stuff is new CONTENT. Who gives a crap if the gear has the same model. We are getting new quests, a new strike, new gear and crucible updates. FOR. FREE. Its that simple.

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  • Do you have ttk? I hope so otherwise this update isn't for you. Yeah we paid for it wether you want to admit it or not.

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  • [quote]We are getting new quests, a new strike, new gear and crucible updates. FOR. FREE[/quote] this is why I can't take you seriously. it isn't free because [b]YOU ALREADY PAID FOR IT[/b]. [quote] [b]If you have Destiny: The Taken King, the April Update is included with your purchase.[/b] When the time comes, download the update and you’ll be good to go. [/quote] point proven. it isn't free because you've already bought this stuff. they just held onto this content.

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  • I'll ask again. Show me proof of your claim that they held onto this content and decided to wait til 7 months after the release of TTK with NO new pve content in between.

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  • Like they would ever admit it. Crotas end existed in vanilla destiny it was locked off. It already existed but we payed to have it unlocked. Just because it's not available to the public doesn't mean it wasn't in game. Anyone who doesn't have ttk can't get the update unles they purchase the ttk. Yea its already paid for.

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  • Of COURSE you can't get the stuff without buying TTK. What does that have to do with it being locked off? Also, at this point you guys are just throwing out a bunch of theories without any evidence whatsoever other than "Bungo is Satan, they HAD to do it"

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  • Wtf are talking about? The only thing I said was the content was paid for simply because it cannot be downloaded unless you have purchased ttk. All y1 only players will not receive the update unless they purchase ttk. So no matter how much you desticles wanna try and sugar coat it it's paid content. Also wtf are you talking about satan worship? Im an atheist. I don't believe in a god. I also don't believe in satan. To acknowledge one is to acknowledge the other, since they came from the same fairy tale.

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  • Who hasn't bought TTK and is still here? If they didn't want it, why should they get it? C'mon dude you really think ANY company would REWARD a consumer for not giving them money?

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  • Ok I don't get why you are taking this way out of context and being a negative nancy. I'm not bashing on bungie I am just clarifying that the content in fact is not free otherwise all destiny players would be eligible. And you'd be surprised how many still play that haven't purchased ttk. Just run some legacy strikes and see.

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  • Fair enough.

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  • The dreadnought also existed before the game launched, you can see glimpses of it in the original E3 2013 presentation!

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  • Now see THAT'S evidence! However that could have been a test area that turned out to be the Dreadnaught as well. Keep in mind how much of the story was revamped a relatively short time before release.

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  • Please never ever talk again.

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  • Edited by D2 is cancer: 3/18/2016 6:58:18 AM
    You're not coming in my thread to say mean things about Bungie, are you? We're positive here. We don't want any negativity. Me and my fellow guardians, we're celebrating the introduction of one new strike after 7 months. Don't be a negative nancy in my thread. please be hyped like we all are in this thread.

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  • Good god. The amount of entitled idiots on these forums. I feel so bad for all of you, and I blame your parents.

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