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Edited by Swampman000: 3/18/2016 6:25:28 AM
Bro, I was literally seconds away from writing the same article. I left 2 months ago, and decided to take a peek. Sadly, this game will always trail far FAR behind warframe, which is free by the way. Lmk the newer light system....big 10 more light??? Omfg get outta here....thank god we get motes of light...oh wait no.

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  • I don't think the two games are alike enough to compare. I don't know much about Warframe so I might be very wrong here but I believe that Warframe does not have a sequel. Meaning they can work full time on improving and adding content to the current game. Whereas Destiny 2 is in development and would take up a considerable amount of their resources. Anyway I don't mind. If I feel like playing I'll play. If not, I wont.

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  • Warframe has yet to achieve even a smidgeon of any of the popularity Destiny has had. Warframe is Pay2Win, thus not really "Free". Warframe is a really, really badly designed game, where the classes are not in any way - shape, or form balanced.

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  • Edited by Swampman000: 3/18/2016 7:27:13 AM
    What's balanced but the intended foundation? You're ignorant to your defense. Warframe is free to play. Plain and simple, no ifs, where as Destiny is not. Lastily, Warframe had an 73% higher retention rate then Destiny. Shall I continue? Please stick to reading daily digest on the toilet. Get gud.

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  • 73%? I'm sorry, I think you may have failed to realize the massive size difference between Destiny's total average playerbase and Warframes. Just a reminder, Warframe has about a third (or less) of total average playerbase, even after Destiny's been dwindling. Warframe is one of the least played free MMOs, even Neverwinter has a larger playerbase than it, so of course Warframe's retention rate is going to be higher. You want to also know why Warframes is higher? Because it's mostly people that [b]pay hundreds of real life money for their gear so that they don't have to grind 50,000 hours to get the absolute best gear and most broken frames.[/b] Please, continue to pump out more biased and uneducated information.

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  • Um, you didn't disagree with anything I said. You simply did a red herring and ad hominem fallacious attack as your response to me. I never said Warframe had more players, so wtf are you talking about?

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  • [quote]Um, you didn't disagree with anything I said. You simply did a red herring and ad hominem fallacious attack as your response to me.[/quote] HMMMM, Ironic coming from you bro.

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  • Edited by Fur Hammerlock: 3/18/2016 7:36:49 AM
    smh; [quote]Warframe had an 73% higher retention rate then Destiny.[/quote] As for balance, not even the intended foundation is balanced, when a good number of Frames are and haven't been viable for a long time in most end-game activities, there's a balancing problem.

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  • Back to spout about warframe again and yet still again nobody gives a flying rat f$$k. Muted

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  • You characters on destiny suck lol

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  • Erm, yours are worse. Lol

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  • Last time I checked you had to pay to download warframe...

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  • I'm sure you heard that here, Destiny the only thing that cost anything.

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  • 0.49€ for me. It's not much, but it's not free.

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  • Nope.

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  • Yep. It's 0.49€ for me.

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  • You call that money? It's called Schutzgebühr in german.

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  • Thank you. I didn't know that.

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  • Shut your mouth. You think its easy to introduce 10 brand new new new light levels? Do you really think that changing the number from 320 to 330 is easy? Stop being so simple. Its difficult, takes a lot of manpower and resources.

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  • I stand corrected. Did yall see grandma's boy.....the one guy worked at a gaming company...and they didn't have time to design a new character......all of a sudden a guys like " well......we could just render the elves to a different color and give them a new name :) Wtf are they doing, Destiny must really hate that 1 billion dollar rumor, that's the most expense piece of sh!t I ever seen.

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  • Warframe is an anime korean grindfest 3rd person shooter. People on Destiny don't have to wait 7 days for a weapon to be made along with the horrendous drop rate, the perspective alone 1st person vs 3rd person is enough to not warrant a comparison. On top of this Warframe has actual paid advantages through the prime rewards program, Destiny has a bunch of garbage emotes and sparrow racing book with statless racing gear.

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  • The fact that you keep droning on about Warframe being "pay2win" either shows you've never really actually played it and are going by things you've heard people say, or have played it but not enough to fully understand how it works. Also, "Prime rewards program", what? What is a Prime rewards program and how do I become a part of it? Primes are better, upgraded versions of older weapons (though for whatever reason sometimes Prime weapons are literally objectively [i]worse[/i] than their normal counterpart, lmao) which one can achieve by grinding the location/gametype they've been assigned to. Prime Frames, AKA essentially Prime characters for those who do not know about Warframe, are usually just visually different with an added polarity on their mod slots and one or two stats slightly buffed up (For example, Frost Prime has a higher shield capacity compared to normal Frost). I do have to mention that DE has the awful habit of stuffing almost all new Prime stuff in T3 Survival, meaning getting the new stuff you want becomes awful because of how much unwanted loot you get, since loot drops every 5 minutes in a survival. In a way, I do see why you think Warframe is "pay to win", and it's an easy and understandable misconception. Immediately when people grind the materials for a new weapon or item, and hit "build" button in the Foundry, they notice that they don't get their new goodies immediately - they have to wait for it to build, and the time varies depending on what type of thing you're building. But wait, there's a "rush" button - but it costs plat (the microtransaction currency of WF)? Wow, this game is pay to win! The thing here is, it's free to play. That is just another way for DE to make money from an otherwise free game. If people want to buy plat and support the developer, they can go right ahead - but plat is never [b]needed[/i] for anything, unless we're talking about cosmetics. Cosmetics are in no way required and give no power to the player, as usual. "But certain weapons are much stronger than others and you can pay for them with plat to get them instantly!" - If people choose to do that, more power to them. Considering how expensive plat is, however, and considering they could've just had the patience to build the thing and patiently wait for it, maybe play some other games while it builds and come back later, it's not exactly something I'd call smart. Platinum can also be fairly easily acquired by trading rare mods, prime parts, etc. with other players for plat. On top of this, we have to consider what kind of game Warframe is - it has tons of Frames and weapons at this point. In a game with as many weapons and frames as Warframe, there's bound to be a "meta" in which some weapons are far superior compared to the rest. No matter how DE changes their game, there will always be those few guns and frames that are favored over others. Sound familiar? Oh, right, [i]hello Destiny.[/i] Going back to the "Prime Rewards Program", I assume you're talking about the option to purchase the latest Prime gear in one huge bundle with real money. Yeah, that's a thing - but frankly, you'd be insane to just go ahead and casually buy one with the price it has. I can't remember the exact price right off the bat, but the current Prime Access pack featuring Saryn Prime and some other stuff is like, what, 150€? That's ludicrous, and again, it's only something I see people buying if they reeeeeeally want to support the developer. Do keep in mind that I intend no malice - I'm trying to be informative more than anything. I speak as someone who has played Warframe for two years, and over that time, I've only spent 30€ on the game (and even those only when I've gotten Platinum discounts from login rewards) to buy a few cosmetics because I wanted to support DE and their game.

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  • copy paste hours spent on warframe and upload to imgur. If you don't spend money and buy stuff chances are you have hours of the kazooi. [quote]it's only something I see people buying if they reeeeeeally want to support the developer[/quote] This is a deflection and an excuse to support a pay to win model more like, although the knowledge of a $170 "microtransaction" is pretty funny, I thought they were pretty high but not that high. I already understood that Warframe is a pay to win model, instead of just typing out ideas read what you post because you pretty much added nothing new to the argument, other than your blatent attempt at trying to defend a p2w model. Like just think about any game, if it is f2p is it okay to buy weapons and equipment? Like what if all games did this.

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  • Edited by Swampman000: 3/18/2016 6:36:48 AM
    Ironic how dumb you are. Your satire on how little destiny has provided in months, and you use warframe structure about maintaining endgame content as a flaw? I have 10 weapons building at a time. I have something to look forward to. Not do nightfall for motes of lite. Warframe has tons of characters and weapons and pets and ships, it's too dynamic for some peeps so I understand.

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  • How exactly is it ironic how dumb I am? Seems you have a short fuse and love blowing up defending your korean anime warrior games too much. [quote]Your satire on how little destiny has provided in months, and you use warframe structure about maintaining endgame content as a flaw?[/quote] What? Lol Warframe is a massive gigantic grindfest that takes many, many more hours than Destiny. It isn't for most people, I personally find it repetetive grinding over and over and over again for 100000 hours, Warframe amplifies Destiny's grinding to another level entirely, easily one of the most grindiest games to play other than skyforge. Which took like freaking 3 weeks to unlock another character class, wooo. There is no defending pay to win content, Destiny so far doesn't have it and Warframe has had it for quite a while some time. Someone just getting into the game can just buy everything right off the bat, and not only that they are the best versions of the items too. Some even exclusive to the cash shop. [quote]Warframe has tons of characters and weapons and pets and ships, it's to dynamic for some peeps so I understand. [/quote] All purchasable content too, so dynamic you can just straight up buy it. More money = more power for warframe.

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  • I play both games. Destiny for its silky smooth gunplay. Warframe for the loot satisfaction lol. Sometimes I like the smooth Destiny motion, sometimes the slashing and ragdoll of warframe.. BUT.. let me correct everyone here... sure warframe is grindy...face it.. most games are, but Destiny has taken the grind and cranked that up to 11.. in no way, shape, or form is warframe more grindy than Destiny.. Destiny crossed the line, so far from the line, the line is a dot to Destiny.

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