You have never even been to the lighthouse lol go give your head a shake complain about content but haven't played half of it
Lighthouse is where all the beginners go to. People of my skill level don't bother with peasant activities.
You're not that good lol
My K/D in every activity in this game says otherwise. I'm not mad at you, tho. You will get to my level in the years to come.
I would rather not ever be a massive bellend lol
How massive?
Never even finished a kings fall lol stop complaining about content in a game you have never finished have you not got friends to help you brag about crucible but haven't even got an elo
Your mother is larger than the traveler. Stop being aggravated.
Wow are you 5? When someone calls you out for complaining about something when you haven't even finished the content they gave you but want more ??
Larger than the traveler, imagine that. that's more impressive than the 1 new strike in 7 months.
You have no argument in you muted lol
Nuka Cola pls stop xD i checked ur characters and everything else and i can't stop laughing xD
He thinks K/D is every thing he's a real scumbag he Never did skolas or came to the lighthouse... Annnd every year 1 player wants remakes of the VoG and CE tho.