Especially when you don't work hard and try to. What a stunning conclusion.
The results are in - most folks dislike whiners and complainers, and that's exactly what you are. Your little voices barking at the top of your lungs from whatever mountain top (in this case your keyboard coupled with this forum). I'm sick and tired of it. Don't like the aspects of Destiny? Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. They just gave a date positive for new content for cryin out loud, try having some fun and being glad for it. Sheesh.
I haven't played since October so your suggestion is pretty meaningless.
Then why come on here at all?! What's meaningless are your complaints here........there's an update coming 4/12 and that's a good thing. If you don't like it, fine, but what good does it do to post like this? I'm an idiot for biting on this troll. I'm done. Have a nice day.
Why would I just never keep track of a game I previously enjoyed?